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Sébastien CAA

História social com estratégias para se acalmar.


História social com estratégias para se acalmar.

Accès personnalisé à youtube
IEM Montreuil

Créée pour une jeune en particulier cette grille peut être retravaillée pour un autre jeune qui aurait des goûts musicaux différents . Le jeune accède à une première page où il choisit le chanteur qu'il veut écouter puis à la page chanteur sur...

Accessible app add on
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Accessible apps add-on to add to symbol communication grid set. With ability to share text constructed using full vocabulary to Text message, Email, Note or Whatsapp, as well as access to inboxes, Youtube, Alexa, basic environmental controls and...

Acesso por Varrimento

Um teclado que promove um controlo autónomo do computador através de qualquer sistema de varrimento.

Acesso Varrimento - Básico

Um teclado completo, com as funções do controlo do computador através de comandos para varrimento.

ACETS Communication Access - Picture-based
Josh F

ACETS version of a Communication Access board for acute care settings. Note: this version is picture-based. This version includes the following features: - pre-programmed vocabulary categorized in folders - pain scale - interactive body maps...

ACETS Supercore 30 vocab 5x7 grid
Josh F

*ACETS modified Supercore 5x7 cell* SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific...

Ações - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Identificar as ações com recurso aos símbolos SPC TSEER Maurília Sampaio NIPI 2022 Imagens da google e adaptada com símbolos pictográficos para a comunicação

Activation Order Sequencing
Smartbox Academy

Example of using Activation order


Toys for a child

Activity timer
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Visual support for transition

Activity timer
Smartbox Academy

Visual support for transition

Activity Timer - Cheers and Boos
Jay Tuck

A fun countdown timer with added cheer/boo sound effects. Useful for any group activities/sports sessions where eyegaze users may struggle to join in. Use this to time others and cheer along with an activity. Feel free to add in your own...

Adapted Books
Tooba Ahsen

These are a set of grids to go along with the following books - Goodnight Gorilla, The very hungry caterpillar, 5 little monkeys, Chica Chica Boom Boom and Are you my mother?

Adapted Symbol Talker C - final
Jon Rouston

This is an adapted grid from Symbol Talker C. Key changes from the original symbol talker C: Cells are larger making it easier for those who use direct access or eyegaze. Function cells (clear, speak, del word) remain in a consistent location...


Consegues adivinhar o que é?

Adivinhas de animais - difícil 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Adivinhas sobre animais selvagens e animais marinhos, com seleção entre 5 respostas. Criada por Rita Varela - 2023 UTAAC / CRPCCG

Adivinhas de animais - fácil 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Adivinhas sobre animais, com seleção entre 3 respostas. Criada por Rita Varela - 2023 UTAAC / CRPCCG

Adivinhas sobre Animais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Adivinhas sobre animais, com seleção entre 2 respostas. Educadora Anabela Caiado UTAAC/CRPCCG 2021


Et enkelt oppsett for å trene på bruken av adjektiv i setningskonstruksjon. Dere kan enkelt gå inn i redigeringsmodus og endre på setningene der. Starten og slutten på setningene endres ved å bytte etikett, mens adjektivene endres i ordlisten.

Advento de Natal 2023

O Calendário de Advento de Natal de 2023. A ANDITEC deseja-lhe umas boas festas!!!!

Adventskalender - Jul
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

En interaktiv advents kalender opdateret i 2021. Den har et sortiment af julevideoer, opskrifter, aktiviteter, jokes og mere. Vær opmærksom på at dette Grid Layout virker bedst med forbindelse til wifi.


Enkelt startoppsett med 23 sider med 16 felt pr side, kontekstbasert ordleting, foto, store bokstaver, uten tastatur.


Større startoppsett med 78 sider med 24 felt pr side, både kontektsbasert ordleting og kategorier, små bokstaver, album, ABC tastatur med ordprediksjon, Googlemaps.