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Story Grid for Eye Gaze
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A version of Barney and James's brilliant story telling grid set, suitable for eye gaze with a rest cell on each page. This grid set is for telling stories. There are four stories, about a king, an old man, a robot and a burglar. You can...

Story Grid for switches
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A version of Barney and James's brilliant story telling grid set, suitable for switches with cells arranged in a row along the bottom on each page. This grid set is for telling stories. There are four stories, about a king, an old man, a robot...

Super Core 30_simplified food and animals
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...

Symbol Visual Schedule Template
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

An example template for creating a visual schedule / timetable, following the research-based SCERTS model for working with individuals with autism. For more information about SCERTS go to

Two location simple photos
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A simple photoviewer grid set where you can choose between looking at photos in your My Photos folder or photos on a memory stick. Includes a chat page for giving and asking opinions about the photos.

Where's the Fat Controller Game
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

This game was created by an LSA for a child who absolutely loved Thomas the Tank Engine, inspired by the ‘Where’s Spot?’ lift-the-flap books, where Spot the dog is hiding somewhere and on every page there is a flap to lift up and look for him....
