Early AAC Activity Grids - PCS
View profile for Daisy Clay - Smartbox
A set of symbol communication grids for a range of play activities including bubbles, bricks, Mr Potato Head and instruments. There are two levels - one with six symbols to choose from and one with twelve, with chat pages for each level.
All the grids are colour coded using the Colourful Semantics colour scheme to support sentence building and language development. These grids are also designed to support use of Aided Language Stimulation, a strategy where the communication partner uses the person’s AAC system to model language and how to use the symbols.
A Widgit symbols version of this gridset is also available.
Please note that the colours I have used are from the original Colourful Semantics research (Bryan 1997, Bolderson et al 2011), as follows:
Who? (Subject – Orange)
What doing? (Verb – Yellow)
What? (Object – Green)
Where? (Location – Red)
Describe? (Adjective – Blue)
If you or your SLT are using different colours, please feel free to change the colour of a certain type of word using the Style tab. Then click Update Style to apply this change to the whole gridset.
Created in Grid 3