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Het Sprekend Boek - Met oogbesturing, full screen, vertikale bediening
Het Sprekend Boek

Bedienen van het Sprekend Boek, dus prentenboeken lezen door zelfstandig boekjes te kiezen en te bladeren. Binnen de website zelf is het mogelijk diverse persoonlijke instellingen te kiezen (b.v. blokkeren dat er vroegtijdig doorgebladerd kan worden...

Heute bin ich ...

Ein einfaches Rasterset, das einen Benutzer dabei unterstützt, zu sagen, wie er sich an diesem Tag fühlt. Emotionen können im Bearbeitungsmodus einfach bearbeitet werden, indem man auf der Startseite die Beschriftung und das Bild ändert....

Heze’s High Contrast 2x2+Side Bar
Hezekiah Stuehr

This is a high contrast, symbol based grid set; intended for emergent learners with limited or no experience with AAC.

High Contrast (4 cells)

High contrast 4 cells communication board. Similar to TouchChat 4 Basic SS.

High frequency keyboard Welsh

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker 3 includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control and full access to windows...

Hikari Interest Areas
Back to Basics

A set of symbol communication grids for a range of play activities including bubbles, bricks, Mr Potato Head and instruments. There are two levels - one with six symbols to choose from and one with twelve, with chat pages for each level. All the...


Himno de Andalucía cantado por niña



Histoire - Du balais!
Aude B

CRF-histoire interractive

Histoire du roi crocodile
Aude B

CRF-livre interractif

CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Desenvolver a criatividade promovendo a organização do discurso.

Historia - Fyrvägs alternativ
Jesper Picomed

This grid set is for telling stories. There are four stories, about a king, an old man, a robot and a burglar. You can tell the stories as they are meant to be told, or you can mix them up to make your own crazy story. Original created by:...

História Casa do Filipe
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação para a História "Casa do Filipe" Educadora Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2021

História De quem é o nariz (linha repetitiva)
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Linha repetitiva da história com escolha de 2 animais para resposta. Vídeo de canção no final. Criada por Vânia Lopes - 2021 UTAAC/CRPCCG

História do Natal
Matilde L.

História do Natal

História do Natal
Marta Soares

História do Natal

Historias sociales - plantilla

Una serie de plantillas de Historias Sociales para Grid 3 y Grid for iPad con instrucciones para crear tus propias historias sociales. Esta cuadrícula utiliza 'Comandos de cuadrícula' en cada página. Estos comandos los puedes encontrar en modo...

Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Fortæl din egen historie. Der er 4 historier - en om en konge, en ældre mand, en robot og en tyv. Du kan fortælle historierne som de er, eller du kan mixe dem for at lave en skør historie!

Historien om Den sultne farve-larve

Dette sidesæt er historien om den sultne farve larve, som har brug for en masse forkselligt farvet mad, for at kunne blive en smuk sommerfugl. Historien er tænkt til at give mulighed for selv at læse - dermed ikke sagt, at man skal sidde alene....


Symbol Prat er en pakke med kommunikasjonsoppsett for symbolbrukere. Her finner du sider for å uttrykke meninger, samt sider som omhandler ulike tema som skole, hjem, trening og mye mer.

HM Vocabulary for Life (2)
Craig Tech Lab

This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling grid enables users who have some literacy skills to spell out unique words.

HM Vocabulary for Life (3)

This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling grid enables users who have some literacy skills to spell out unique words.

Nicole Hunter

A phonetic keyboard with upper and lowercase letters


4 choices to teach simple switch scanning.

Hodiny - dotyk
Smartbox Czech

Jednoduchý svazek mřížek s digitálním a analogickým zobrazením hodin.