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Simbolna komunikacija C

Za uporabnike, ki so morda seznanjeni s tematskim besediščem in lahko združijo dva ali več izbir, Symbol Talker C omogoča dostop do osnovnega besedišča, ki je pomembno za vsako temo. Smart Grammar prav tako podpira uporabnike, da razvijejo svojo...

Simbolna komunikacija D

Symbol Talker D ponuja štiri stolpce osrednjega besedišča z mrežami tem, ki se razširijo čez stran in omogočajo dostop do širokega nabora tematskih besed. Nabor mrež uvaja tudi simbolizirane napovedne celice, ki omogočajo sestavljanje več stavkov...

Simon says

Simon says


Simon Says – the children’s game for three or more players. Eye gaze and switch accessible. Suitable for visually impaired users with auditory scanning-step scanning, or two switches two functions (see instructions further below). Grid has been...

Simpelt tastatur
Smartbox Danish

Et simpelt tastatur med farverige taster og symboliserede forslagsceller.

Simpelt tastatur
Susanne Joensen

Et simpelt tastatur med farverige taster og symboliserede forslagsceller.

Simpelt tastatur

Et simpelt tastatur med farverige taster og symboliserede forslagsceller.

Simpelt tastatur - voksen

Et simpelt tastatur med beskeden farvesammensætning som let kan ændres vha stilarter.

Simpelt tastatur ABC
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Et simpelt ABC tastatur med farverige taster og symboliserede forslagsceller. Denne udgave er med Symoji, ordforslag med PCS og mulighed for at gemme sætninger med symboler.


Un ensemble de pages de communication par texte optimisé pour les utilisateurs d'écrans tactiles, pour des messages rapides et efficaces. Intégration de la prédiction de mots, de l'historique des discussions, des phrases préenregistrées et de la...

Simple Book Template
Independent Living Centre WA

This simple book template enables you to add your own text and pictures/photos to create books. It is a simple layout with two buttons. One button reads the text and the second button turns the page.

Simple Book Template

This simple book template enables you to add your own text and pictures/photos to create books. It is a simple layout with two buttons. One button reads the text and the second button turns the page.

Simple Communication
Sian 2024_03_08

AlphaCore Plus Dictionary-Draft Version

Simple Core Board - yes no more diff all done
Sarah Wakabayashi

Core words include yes, no, more, different, all done, I like it, funny

Simple Grid

My first grid. Basic calendar, seasons, weather, and I want

Simple keyboard
Smartbox (AUS)

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

Simple Keyboard
NeuroNode Trilogy

Simple Big Tile Keyboard

Simple keyboard

ASL friendly keyboard that includes the ASL letter signs on the letters. Large print and fonts adjusted to be easier to read.

Simple keyboard
Adriana Freitas

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.