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Fast Talker example
Eye Gaze

Fast Talker is a complete solution for literate users, with apps for fast text communication, message banking, SMS, email, browsing the web and much more. You can also use the Servus Environment Control resources, and get full access to Windows with...

Fast talker J.O.

Fast Talker Large Cell has the same features as Fast Talker and this version has larger letters with contrast. v3.88 Modified by Andrea King For trial. J.O.

Fast Talker Jay
Eye Gaze

Fast Talker is a complete solution for literate users, with apps for fast text communication, message banking, SMS, email, browsing the web and much more. You can also use the Servus Environment Control resources, and get full access to Windows with...

Fast Talker Large Text Updated 2022
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Fast Talker is a complete solution for literate users, with apps for fast text communication, message banking, SMS, email, browsing the web and much more. You can also use the Servus Environment Control resources, and get full access to Windows with...

Fast Talker med Text talker tastatur
Lasse Uth

Et tekstkommunikations-grid layout til hurtig og effektiv beskedgenerering. Inkluderer ordforudsigelse, chathistorik, forud gemte sætninger og beskedbank. En hukommelsesfunktion giver dig mulighed for at gemme en sætning med et enkelt valg og huske...

Fast Talker Tastatur med symbolsætninger
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Tastaturet som du kender fra Fast Talker. Denne version er med symboler i det gemte sætninger. OBS: Når du laver nye sætninger, skal du i redigeringstilstand for at koble symbol på den nye sætning.


Kan du gætte hvad det er? Det er snart fastelavn. I det her sidesæt kan du lege klæd ud, snakke om fastelavn f.eks. hvad du gerne vil være eller hvad du har været. Være køkkenchef i forhold til at fortælle hvordan fastelavnsbollerne skal laves og...

FastText Talker

A version of fast talker with the keyboard being a modified grid keybaord from text talker

Fazer contagens
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

O objetivo desta atividade é nomear a imagem, aprender a contar e identificar os números. CRPCCG 2021- TFala Inês Vaz


Fecha y horario

Anna Morena Tafuro

Festa dei Nonni_maestraAnnaMorena

Anna Morena Tafuro

Festa della mamma_maestraAnnaMorena

Anna Morena Tafuro



CRF Fêtes

Feux d'artifice - version tactile
Smartbox French

Développer des compétences précoces en matière de cause et d'effet grâce à nos activités d'apprentissage interactif. Ils sont conçus pour être motivant et amusant tout en enseignant des compétences d'accès.

Ffatri Gacennau - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

Do you want to visit the creepy Cake Factory to make a cake? Choose your base, icing and spooky toppings! This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching...

PALS Preschool

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Figuras geométricas
Marta Soares

Teclado sobre figuras geométricas (círculo, triângulo, quadrado e retângulo) com música, tabela de dupla entrada e identificação das formas geométricas, nomeadamente, em objetos do dia-a-dia.