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Christopher M.

Christopher M

Cinnamon book sounds
SALT Jersey

Sounds from the book Cinnamon

CK20 AS Symbolstix
Kate McCallum

Auditory Scanning CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a...

CK20 Nicola

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

CK20 PCS Direct Access
Kate McCallum

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

CK20 PCS Direct Access +

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

CK20 PCS Direct Access +
Kate McCallum

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

CK20 PCS Direct Access + (repaired)

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

CK20 WLS Direct Access
Kate McCallum

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

CK20+ SymbolStix Auditory Scanning
Kate McCallum

CK20 + gives a user more than CK 20 Auditory scanning. download it and use it don't look for the wat round listen for the way round and create complex sentences with out the need for spelling.

K Pringle

For users who may be familiar with topic based vocabulary, and able to combine two or more selections, Symbol Talker C gives access to core vocabulary that is relevant to each topic. Smart Grammar also supports users to develop their ability to form...

Clap for NHS
Saffron Murphy AAC

A grid set to enable AAC users to join the Thursday evening applause.

Clapping and cheering
Melissa. Jane Allan

Because of yesterday's clap for the NHS. It got me thinking about those who could not fully take part. Well now they can with this grid. It is an easy grid to navigate there are two hidden cells one a back button and the other is a blank they are...

Clapping and cheerinh

Because of yesterday's clap for the NHS. It got me thinking about those who could not fully take part. Well now they can with this grid. It is an easy grid to navigate there are two hidden cells one a back button and the other is a blank they are...

Clarion controller
Dave Greenwood - Smartbox

A controller for the Clarion app using computer control features. Based on the official "Computer control for Look to..." content. Note that Grid 3 must be running at least version 85.

Class 1-2 assembly speakers lines
Nicola McNally SC

This is an assmebly for Southcraig School with lines for the non-speaking members to say. The class are P1-P4


What’s going on in school today? Explore the classroom scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...

Classroom - Touch

What’s going on in school today? Explore the classroom scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...

Classroom Grids
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A sample pack of resources for use in the classroom. Visual timetables, star chart and first/then choice grids. All can be edited in edit mode.

Clinic grid

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...


A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays.


A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays.

Ralphy Garrad

A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays.

Speak for Yourself, LLC 2021_06_21-1

A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays. student spec.

College Office Communication
RNIB College Loughborough

Communication Aid for Common College Office Tasks

Colour coded bundle by Lonsdale
Emma Covington

Created by AAC technicians Carla Middleton and Rochelle Dawes and Emma Covington,NHS assistant at LONSDALE PNI school. A basic pre-school bundle in line with COLOURFUL SEMANTICS. Look out for similar colour coded bundles for eye-gaze.