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Ça va bien Ça va mal

This grid set is made of 2 cells-per-page grids to communicate how you feel.

Computer Control Simplified

Left click computer control

Eye gaze - simple mouse dwell click

This grid set is tiny to go unnoticed on the screen and only does left click, perfect for apps or websites like Attention &Looking or Helpkidzlearn .

Musical instruments for Claire

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to play sample sounds of instruments from the major instrument groups (wood wind, brass, strings, percussion), as well as have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums. The Home...

PowerPoint Style

A simple slideshow for user with limited access skills. To create a PowerPoint Style presentation, with a one-cell text message, and a one-cell photo. Naviagation buttons can be used by helper or made bigger for more independent users. 12 blank...
