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Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Fortæl din egen historie. Der er 4 historier - en om en konge, en ældre mand, en robot og en tyv. Du kan fortælle historierne som de er, eller du kan mixe dem for at lave en skør historie!

Holiday Chat
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

This gridset is designed to allow users to chat about what they did during their holidays and also chat to others about theirs. The word list can be easily edited from the menu bar to change the items available on the first grid. The second grid...

Home corner GLP
Casey Boleat

Home corner Gestalt Language Processor

Homophones - Next Step
Amy Robertson

Practice homophones within a sentence. Learner have to use the correct homophone to create a sentence.

Horse therapy OF

For client doing horse therapy - visible buttons

Horse therapy OF

For client doing horse therapy - visible buttons

Horse therapy OF

For client doing horse therapy - visible buttons

Hotspot ABC
Marit Pelk

Alfabet, interactief leren. QuoVadis NL.

Hotspot speelgoed
Marit Pelk

Interactief leren, hotspot. QuoVadis NL.

Hotspot zomer
Marit Pelk

Hotspot over de zomer. Gemaakt door Marit Pelk van QuoVadis NL

How I am Feeling

Simple and effective way of communicating the different needs of the body


Et tekstbasert kommunikasjonsoppsett i høykontrast. Gul tekst på sort bakgrunn. TekstPrat inkluderer prediksjon og ferdige setninger.

HW Scavenger Hunt
Amy Jackson

HW Scavenger Hunt

Identify Kitchen utensils

Help ALN/SEN pupils identify kitchen utensils as part of cooking classes.


images d'automne

In the Night Garden Actions
Katie Mill-Gammin

Grid set to encourage V and SV phrases