Aktivity založené na interaktivních obrázcích.
U parku
Istražite prizor iz parka i poigrajte se balonima, mjehurićima i još mnogočime. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na...
U učionici
Što se danas događa u školi? Istražite prizor iz učionice i saznat ćete. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na motivirajuć i...
Un poble nevat
La neu recobreix els arbres i les cases del poble nevat, però hi ha molt més a veure quan vas explorant l'escena. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de causa i efecte. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge Interactives...
Un pueblo nevado - Touch
La nieve cubre los árboles y casas del pueblo nevado, pero hay mucho más que ver a medida que exploras la escena. Este paquete de cuadrículas ayuda al aprendizaje de causa y efecto así como a desarrollar habilidades tempranas de lenguaje. Las...
Što li će jež pronaći kada stigne u velegrad? Istražite prizor i saznat ćete. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na...
Veľkomesto - Dotyk
Čo si počne ježko, keď sa ocitne vo veľkomeste? Preskúmaj obrázok a uvidíš! Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby pri výučbe...
Vesmír - Dotyk
Preskúmaj obrázok a zisti, čo všetko sa nachádza na tajomnej planéte Pog. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby pri výučbe...
Viidakko - kosketus
The jungle scene is full of wildlife waiting to be discovered. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The...
Vilda västern - Touch
Yee-haw cowboys! We’re in the Wild West for this scene, so look out for a musical cactus, a shooting sheriff and more. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...
Ville de neige - version tactile
Les Scènes interactives visuelles offrent des scènes animées qui peuvent être activées en effectuant des sélections dans la grille. Elles sont conçues pour enseigner la cause et l'effet ainsi que les premières compétences linguistiques.
Ville Vesten
Yee-haw cowboys! Nå er vi i ville vesten, så se opp for en musikalsk kaktus, en skytende sheriff og mye mer. Dette oppsettet har fokus på årsak/virkning, samtidig som man trener kommunikative ferdigheter. Interaktiv læring er laget for å være...
Villi Länsi - kosketus
Hyppää villin lännen tunnelmaan! Interaktiiviset näkymät on suunniteltu opettamaan ohjaustaitoja ja syy-seuraussuhteiden hahmottamista sekä kommunikointitaitoja.
Snøen har lagt seg på trær og hus I Vinterland. Her er det mye å oppdage når du utforsker landskapet. Dette oppsettet har fokus på årsak/virkning, samtidig som man trener kommunikative ferdigheter. Interaktiv læring er laget for å være motiverende...
W dżungli - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
The jungle scene is full of wildlife waiting to be discovered. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The...
W klasie - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
What’s going on in school today? Explore the classroom scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...
W parku - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Explore the park scene and play with balloons, bubbles and more. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills....
W wielkim mieście - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
What will the hedgehog find when he arrives at the big city? Explore the scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...
Wild West - Touch
Yee-haw cowboys! We’re in the Wild West for this scene, so look out for a musical cactus, a shooting sheriff and more. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...
Wild West - Touch
Yee-haw cowboys! We’re in the Wild West for this scene, so look out for a musical cactus, a shooting sheriff and more. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...
Wilde Westen - aanraken
Yeehaa cowboys! We zijn in het Wilde Westen voor dit landschap, dus kijk om je heen en ontdek de muzikale cactus, de schietende sheriff en meer. Deze grid set helpt bij het ontwikkelen van vroege oorzaak en gevolg vaardigheden net als vroege...
Wilde Westen - aanraken
Yee-haw cowboys! We zijn in het Wilde Westen voor deze scène, dus kijk uit voor een muzikale cactus , een schietende sheriff en nog meer. Deze paginaset helpt zowel oorzaak en gevolg als basistaalvaardigheden aan te leren. Activiteiten van...
Y Ddinas Fawr - Touch
What will the hedgehog find when he arrives at the big city? Explore the scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...
Y Gorllewin Gwyllt - Touch
Yee-haw cowboys! We’re in the Wild West for this scene, so look out for a musical cactus, a shooting sheriff and more. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...
Yr Hen Aifft - Touch
Meet the sphinx, see a temple – but watch out for alligators as you explore this scene from Ancient Egypt. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating...
Ystafell Ddosbarth - Touch
What’s going on in school today? Explore the classroom scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...
Zasnežené mesto - Dotyk
Síce sneh leží na stromoch i strechách Zasneženého mesta, ale na obrázku je veľa vecí, ktoré môžeš objaviť. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú...
Άγρια Δύση - Αφή
Είμαστε στην Άγρια Δύση με τους καουμπόηδες! Κοίτα τον μουσικό κάκτο, τον σερίφη και αλλού για να δεις τι θα γίνει. Αυτό το πολύπλεγμα βοηθά στην ανάπτυξη των πρώϊμων δεξιοτήτων αιτίας-αιτιατού και γλώσσας. Οι δραστηριότητες διαδραστικής μάθησης...
Αρχαία Αίγυπτος - Αφή
Κοίτα τη Σφίγγα και τριγύρνα παντού αλλά πρόσεχε και τον κροκόδειλο καθώς εξερευνάς την Αρχαία Αίγυπτο. Αυτό το πολύπλεγμα βοηθά στην ανάπτυξη των πρώϊμων δεξιοτήτων αιτίας-αιτιατού και γλώσσας. Οι δραστηριότητες διαδραστικής μάθησης έχουν...
Η ζωή στη ζούγκλα - Αφή
Η ζούγκλα είναι γεμάτη ζωή και σε περιμένει να την εξερευνήσεις. Αυτό το πολύπλεγμα βοηθά στην ανάπτυξη των πρώϊμων δεξιοτήτων αιτίας-αιτιατού και γλώσσας. Οι δραστηριότητες διαδραστικής μάθησης έχουν σχεδιαστεί ώστε να είναι παρακινητικές και...
Η ζωή στην Τάξη - Αφή
Τι γίνεται σήμερα στο σχολείο; Εξερεύνησε την τάξη για να δεις τι συμβαίνει. Αυτό το πολύπλεγμα βοηθά στην ανάπτυξη των πρώϊμων δεξιοτήτων αιτίας-αιτιατού και γλώσσας. Οι δραστηριότητες διαδραστικής μάθησης έχουν σχεδιαστεί ώστε να είναι...