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Vocabulary for Life - Touch
Gstt Acs

A grid set aimed at young adults which is focused on supporting independence through access to functional language for a range of everyday situations. With full symbol support, and access to spelling to enable users with some literacy skills to...

Vocabulary for Life - Touch
Mink Owl Tuckey

A grid set aimed at young adults which is focused on supporting independence through access to functional language for a range of everyday situations. With full symbol support, and access to spelling to enable users with some literacy skills to...

Vocabulary for Life - Touch
Michelle Hayano

This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling grid enables users who have some literacy skills to spell out unique words.

Vocabulary for Life JMcN
John McNeeney

A grid set aimed at young adults which is focused on supporting independence through access to functional language for a range of everyday situations. With full symbol support, and access to spelling to enable users with some literacy skills to...

Vocabulary For Life with Christmas Grid
Katrina Moore

This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling grid enables users who have some literacy skills to spell out unique words. In this...


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Las vocales


Las vocales


Aprende las vocales.


Las vocales


Las vocales


Las vocales

Voco Chat
Smartbox Norwegian

Voco Chat er et ordforråd med færre og større felter, utviklet for å gjøre det mulig for ASK brukere å kommunisere effektivt og best mulig. Oppsettet er bygd opp med et nøye utvalgt ordforråd som gir rask tilgang for ASK brukeren til å få sagt det...

Voco Chat
Smartbox Swedish

Voco Chat är ett vokabulär med färre cellantal, utformad för att göra det möjligt för användare att kommunicera av många olika skäl. Meddelandevägar med inbyggda hopp och noggrant utvalt vokabulär, ger en språkmetod som stöd. Anpassningen innehåller...

Voco Chat
Smartbox US Spanish

Voco Chat es un vocabulario de símbolos con número reducido de celdas, diseñado para permitir a los usuarios comunicarse por varias razones. Las secuencias de mensajes, con saltos incorporados y vocabulario cuidadosamente seleccionado, brindan un...

Voco Chat
Smartbox Portuguese

O Voco Chat é um vocabulário de símbolos com poucas células, concebido para permitir aos utilizadores comunicar por muitas razões diferentes. Percursos de mensagens com atalhos integrados e vocabulário cuidadosamente selecionado proporcionam um...

Voco Chat

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat
Daniel Scheidegger

Voco Chat er et ordforråd med færre og større felter, utviklet for å gjøre det mulig for ASK brukere å kommunisere effektivt og best mulig. Oppsettet er bygd opp med et nøye utvalgt ordforråd som gir rask tilgang for ASK brukeren til å få sagt det...

Voco Chat

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat
Violet Brooks

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat

O Voco Chat é um vocabulário de símbolos com poucas células, concebido para permitir aos utilizadores comunicar por muitas razões diferentes. Percursos de mensagens com atalhos integrados e vocabulário cuidadosamente selecionado proporcionam um...

Voco Chat
Lise Preston

Voco Chat er et ordforråd med færre og større felter, utviklet for å gjøre det mulig for ASK brukere å kommunisere effektivt og best mulig. Oppsettet er bygd opp med et nøye utvalgt ordforråd som gir rask tilgang for ASK brukeren til å få sagt det...

Voco Chat
בית חולים אלין מרכז הנגשה 3

إن "فوكو تشات" جهاز يحوي مفردات رمزية ذات عدد قليل تتيح للمستخدمين فرصة التواصل لأسباب مختلفة. كما توفر مسارات الرسائل، التي تتضمن خاصية التنقل بين المواضيع بالإضافة إلى المفردات المختارة بعناية، نهجًا داعمًا للغة. تحتوي مجموعة الألواح مواردًا لدعم...

Voco Chat

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat
Rachel Hill

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat
Smartbox Ukrainian

Voco Chat — це словник символів із малою кількістю комірок, розроблений для спілкування користувачів на різні теми. Схеми повідомлень завдяки вбудованим переходам і ретельно підібраному словнику надають узгоджений підхід до складання речення. Група...

Voco Chat
Gemma Smith

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat
aimee rhodes

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat
Eva fernandez

Voco Chat es un vocabulario de símbolos con número reducido de celdas, diseñado para permitir a los usuarios comunicarse por varias razones. Las secuencias de mensajes, con saltos incorporados y vocabulario cuidadosamente seleccionado, brindan un...