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Notas Grande

Um teclado Notas com o teclado dividido para mais fácil acesso.

Smartbox Norwegian

Enkel tekstbehandling.

Notatki - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Smartbox Polish

Pakiet plansz umożliwiający w prosty i szybki sposób tworzyć notatki, zapisywać je oraz edytować.

Smartbox Danish

En hurtig og let måde at oprette, gemme og redigere dokumenter.

Smartbox Catalan

Manera ràpida i fàcil de crear, guardar i editar documents.


A quick and easy way to create, save and edit documents.

Ralphy Garrad

A quick and easy way to create, save and edit documents.

Notes - Large Cell

A quick and easy way to create, save and edit documents. Notes Large Cell has the same features as Notes and is available for people who need larger cells on each grid. It has a frequency-based keyboard that splits letters across two grids, with...

Notes - Touch
Smartbox (US)

Simple document editor for writing and editing documents inside Grid.

Notes - version tactile
Smartbox French

Un moyen rapide et facile de créer, d'enregistrer et de modifier des documents.

Notes (2)
Ralphy Garrad

A quick and easy way to create, save and edit documents.

Notes (3)
Ralphy Garrad

A quick and easy way to create, save and edit documents.

NOTES clavier balayage+Clavier_Pacec_AB_5 oct. 20

Pacec_AB Un moyen rapide et facile de créer, d'enregistrer et de modifier des documents.

Notes Extractor
Rob Series - Smartbox

Simple two page grid to copy a user's notes into a Wordpad document. The document can then be saved or further edited as required. Easy to modify to use Notepad or Word if required.

Notes For Presentations
Rob Series - Smartbox

A quick and easy way to prepare and read documents when giving presentations. You can read the presentation a paragraph at a time (to allow pauses for applause) or jump between documents and deal with heckelers.

Notes For Presentations
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

An extended version of the Notes accessible app, to link to specific documents in Microsoft word, by using the start program command.

Notes for Switch user - frequency
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Notes grid set, including Frequency Keyboard. Designed for switch access

Notes voice
Norwood AT

Browse your media libraries and play your favourite music and videos. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all the accessible apps with...

nowtv MAX
Max 2016-13-12

This grids operate ROKU tv box from NowTV. IMPORTANT!!!! If You have two or more tv boxes ( I have Sky+ HD & NowTV) You nee set as Default You second box in You Grid3 Environment Settings. OR.. If have more then two boxes, You can simply add...

O coelho sem orelhas

Ver um vídeo de forma acessível e inclusiva.

O Jornal da APCM- edição 22
APCM- Informática

Fique a par de todas as novidades da Associação de Paralisia Cerebral com a leitura deste jornal inclusivo!

O JORNAL DA APCM-edição 21
APCM- Informática

Um jornal inclusivo! Fique a par de todas as novidades da Associação de Paralisia Cerebral da Madeira! Agora disponível no GRID 3 para facilitar a leitura dos artigos!

O sapo apaixonado

Ver um vídeo de forma acessível e inclusiva.

Smartbox Basque

Ikus-entzunezko edukien liburutegiak arakatu eta erreproduzitu zure musika eta bideo gustukoenak.

One button music
John G

This is a one-button music player written for a brain injury rehab client. Set the access to scan continuously with unlimited scans and you can then control it with just one switch - press to play, press again to pause.

One Touch YouTube
Emma Hughes

A modified version of Smartbox's Simple Music Video player. It requires internet access and playes specific music videos from the Youtube website.

Ønskeliste Widgit

Ønskeliste oppsett som passer til voco chat widgit, men kan også benyttes som selvstendig oppsett i Grid utforsker.

Oorzaak en gevolg Ferrari
Michiel Nijholt

Oorzaak en gevolg voor de Ferrari 458