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Look Lab Companion
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

This grid set lets you jump between Grid and Look Lab, calibrate your camera, check your position, and start talking about the activities. A computer contril grid is also included to allow Grid to control Look Lab (for eye gaze cameras which are...

Look Lab Companion
Smartbox Academy - Workshop

This grid set lets you jump between Grid and Look Lab, calibrate your camera, check your position, and start talking about the activities. A computer contril grid is also included to allow Grid to control Look Lab (for eye gaze cameras which are...

Look Lab Companion dansk
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Dette Grid set lader dig hoppe fra Grid til Look Lab, giver dig mulighed for at vælge betjeningsform kalibrer øjenstyring og kommentere på aktiviteterne

Look Lab Companion dansk
Smartbox Danish

Dette Grid set lader dig hoppe fra Grid til Look Lab, giver dig mulighed for at vælge betjeningsform kalibrer øjenstyring og kommentere på aktiviteterne

Look Lab Käynnistin
TYKS alueellinen apuvälinekeskus

Tällä suomenkielisellä ruudukkoryhmällä voit Gridin kautta käynnistää Look Labin ja liikkua näiden ohjelmien välillä. Lisäksi voit kalibroida katseohjaimen, tarkistaa asentosi ja alloittaa keskustelun aktiviteeteista. Jos käytössäsi on...

Look Lab Startalternativ
Jesper Picomed

This grid set lets you jump between Grid and Look Lab, calibrate your camera, check your position, and start talking about the activities. A computer contril grid is also included to allow Grid to control Look Lab (for eye gaze cameras which are...

Look to Learn

Un ensemble de pages simple qui permet de démarrer Look To Learn depuis GRID 3. L'utilisateur peut alors déplacer le curseur de la souris et interagir avec les activités. Une grande fenêtre permet d'afficher le positionnement et il est également...

Look to learn - volledig zelf te kiezen

Omdat de spelletjes van Look-to-learn wel met oogbesturing gespeeld kunnen worden, maar de spelletjes niet zelfstandig gekozen kunnen worden heb ik een GridSet gemaakt waarin dit wel kan. Er bestond al een gridset waarmee dit kon, maar daar werd...

Look to Learn and Look to Read
Keira Smartbox

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn activities. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check positioning and calibrate the eye gaze camera.

Look to Learn and Look to Read controller 2022
Keira Smartbox

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn and Look to Read activities. With eye gaze accessible More, stop and something different. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check...

Look to Learn and Look to Read controller 22
Keira Fewtrell iPad

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn and Look to Read activities. With eye gaze accessible More, stop and something different. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check...

Look to Learn full screen controller
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Look to Learn full screen controller allows the user to select and launch activities themselves and gives an easy way to exit the activities too. Now with added chat pages. Made for Grid 3 use only.

Look to Learn full screen controller AU
Emma Hughes

Look to Learn full screen controller allows the user to select and launch activities themselves and gives an easy way to exit the activities too. Now with added chat pages. Made for Grid 3 use only. Based on the Gridset created by Gemma at...

Look to Learn full screen controller Grid 3
Smartbox Tizzy

Look to Learn launcher provides an accessible way to load and exit activities from Sensory Software's Look to Learn software. Modified for Grid 3 by Rob.

Look to Learn full screen controller with analysis autosave
Janice Test remote editing

Look to Learn full screen controller allows the user to select and launch activities themselves and gives an easy way to exit the activities, as well as added chat pages. Now with button to auto-save Eyegaze Analysis after completing activity....

Look to Learn Launcher
Link Assistive

An easy way to launch Look to Learn from Grid 3, and use the move the mouse without clicks function

Look to Learn PL
Filip Szafarz

Obsługa Look to Learn w Grid 3. Życzę miłej zabawy! Uwagi proszę kierować na adres

Look to Learn tietokoneen ohjauksella
TYKS alueellinen apuvälinekeskus

Helppokäyttöinen tietokoneen hallintaruudukko joka mahdollistaa katseohjainkäyttäjälle hiiren liikuttelun Look to Learn aktiviteeteissa. Asetusruudukolla avustaja voi tarkistaa asettelun ja tehdä katseohjaimen kalibroinnin.

Look to Learn בהפעלה עצמית
תמיכה דיבור

יישום המאפשר למשתמש להפעיל ולבחור את פעילויות Look to Learn באופן עצמאי. דורש רישיון לפעילויות Look to Learn לצורך הפעלת הפעילויות השונות. מילות מפתח: מיקוד מבט

Look to read - volledig zelf te kiezen

Met deze gridset kan iedereen zelfstandig het gewenste boekje kiezen binnen Look to read. Standaard kan dit helaas niet, daarvoor moet iemand met touch bediening een keuze maken. In deze gridset zitten de eerste 10 boekjes verwerkt. Op de tweede...

Look to Read Chat Grids
Jay Tuck - Smartbox

Launch Look to Read ad have access to the chat grids using your Grid 3 dwell times. For more information, visit

Look to Read Controller
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

An extension of the simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Read, to allow the user to choose the book, activity and access chat independently. A settings grid enables a facilitator and/or...

Look2Learn + Look2Read companion
Smartbox Academy - Workshop

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn and Look to Read activities. With eye gaze accessible More, stop and something different. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check...

Lumin-I Eyegaze Positioning
John Wesnofske

Lumin-i Positioning Guide

Lumin-i status och kalibrering 2022
Jesper Picomed

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn and Look to Read activities. With eye gaze accessible More, stop and something different. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check...

Magic EyeFX (tietokoneen hallinta)

Yksinkertainen Magic EyeFX -pelipalkki tietokoneen hallinnalla. Hiiren klikkkaus ei ole aktiivinen koska tulee Magic EyeFX kautta automaattisesti

Mall för Visuella scener
Jesper Picomed

Detta är en mall för att skapa Visuella Scener. Lägg till en bild som bakgrund på fliken "Sida" och knappen Bakrund och Bild. Justera rutornas storlek att passa över de objekt som ska genera tal. Skriv vad som ska sägas på respektive ruta. Radera...

Manipulação Silábica
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tarefa de manipulação e organização silábica.

MARIA grid

grid Maria

Michelle Mason

Computer Control grid to access the Mathletics website, often used by schools (Mathletics account needed). 'Chat' button can be linked to communication grid if needed. The 'Submit/Next' button has a command to press the 'ENTER' keyboard key....