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Sprytny ślimak - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Smartbox Polish

Use Robo Snail’s laser, jet pack or water cannon to defeat the obstacles in his way. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat...

Ssst De Tijger Slaapt (ISAAC-NF pakket 2017)
Leonieke Wiertz

Een grid set behorend bij het ISAAC-NF interactieve voorleespakket van 2017, waarin het boek "Ssst de Tijger slaapt" in de hoofdrol staat.

Stari Egipat
Smartbox Croatian

Istražujući ovaj prizor Starog Egipta upoznajte se sa sfingom i pogledajte hram, ali pazite na aligatore! Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja...

Staroveký Egypt - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Pozri si sfingy i chrámy - len pri prechádzke starovekým Egyptom daj pozor na aligátory. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby...

Starověký Egypt - dotyk
Smartbox Czech

Prohlédni si sfingy i chrámy – jen dej při procházce starověkým Egyptem pozor na aligátory. Tyto sady mřížek pomáhají při výuce principu příčiny a následku i v budování jazykových dovedností. Aktivity Interaktivního učení jsou vytvořeny tak, aby...

Starte med Super Core PCS

Starte med Super Core oppsettet tilbyr en forsiktig progresjon til hele Super Core oppsettets ordforråd. En mulighet til å bygge selvtillit med symbolbasert ASK. Det inkluderer alle de "daglige" og " lek aktivet" ordene fra Super Core, sammen med et...

Stickman Story - ReadtoMe Book
Petar Tica

The full story of Stickman minus the Christmas parts. This is a Read to Me story where the reader can enjoy the story, pictures and enjoyable sound effects. Format created by Petar Tica

što kamo pripada
Tea Žgomba

Identificar imagem e associar à parte da casa. Obrada sa portugalskog.

Smartbox Norwegian

Hva vil pinnsvinet finne når han kommer til storbyen? Utforsk og finn ut. Dette oppsettet har fokus på årsak/virkning, samtidig som man trener kommunikative ferdigheter. Interaktiv læring er laget for å være motiverende og morsomt, samtidig som...

Smartbox Danish

Hvad finder pindsvinet når han ankommer til storbyen? Udforsk scenen for at finde ud af det. Dette Grid Layout udvikler evner til årsag-virkning samt kommunikation. Interaktive læringsaktiviteter er designet for at være motiverende og sjove imens...

Smartbox Faroese

Hvat finnur tindasvínið, tá tað kemur til stórbýin? Kanna myndina fyri at finna út av tí. Hetta Grid Layoutið mennir evnini til “årsag- virkning”umframt samskifti. Interaktivu læringsaktivitetirnir eru motiverandi og stuttligir samstundis sum tað...

stories from barefoot
tracey press

Example of how specific youtube videos can be played in Grid 3

Storstad - Touch
Smartbox Swedish

What will the hedgehog find when he arrives at the big city? Explore the scene to find out. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Story Boards
Amy Jackson

ATtherapy - Story Boards

Story Books
Smartbox - The Grid 2

There are two books in this user, kindly donated by Scope and and

Story Grid
Barney Hawes Smartbox

This grid set is for telling stories. There are four stories, about a king, an old man, a robot and a burglar. You can tell the stories as they are meant to be told, or you can mix them up to make your own crazy story.

Story Grid for Eye Gaze
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

A version of Barney and James's brilliant story telling grid set, suitable for eye gaze with a rest cell on each page. This grid set is for telling stories. There are four stories, about a king, an old man, a robot and a burglar. You can...

Story Template Auditory Scanning
Andy Banns

This story template grid set is based loosely on the EISLT Story Template Grids on here. It was originally set up for one of our students with no functional vision who was able to use the 'spacebar' as a switch to scan through the choices but it...

Story with Sounds - My Mixed Up Morning
Emma H - Smartbox

A grid set made up of a short story with sound effects called my mixed up morning. The user can work through the story playing the words and the sound effects at their own pace. The transcript is also included incase a facilitator wants to make it...

Story with Sounds - My Mixed Up Morning
tracey press

A grid set made up of a short story with sound effects called my mixed up morning. The user can work through the story playing the words and the sound effects at their own pace. The transcript is also included incase a facilitator wants to make it...

Emma Covington

Smartbox's storytelling colour coded (ish) for Lonsdale communication Roadshow

Street sounds
Hedgehog Room

Sounds the street makes

Strictly Come Dancing and X Factor (2014)
Speechie Leonie

This is a Strictly Come Dancing and X Factor page, created for Symbol Talker B users. The grids include photos and names of all the 2014 contestants and judges.

Structured Symbol Social Media
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A package to help a symbol user in how to structure an email; a text message or Skype message. Also contains picture viewing, YouTube, and simple music player..

Stuck Inside Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'Stuck Inside', written and illustrated by Sally Anne Garland. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of...

Stuttleiki á vatninum
Smartbox Faroese

Niðri við ánna finnur tú djóralív, ein bát og enntá eitt tok, ímeðan tú kannar myndina. Hetta Grid Layoutið mennir fyrstu evnini til “årsag- virkning”umframt samskifti. Interaktivu læringsaktivitetirnir eru motiverandi og stuttligir samstundis sum...

Štyri v rade - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Zahraj si klasickú hru Štyri v rade. Zvládneš zoradiť štyri žlté kruhy a poraziť počítač? Tieto sady mriežok vyzývajú k výhre! Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby pri výučbe kľúčových zručností motivovali a prinášali zábavu....