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Symbol Talker Nucli Cat ARASAAC

Symbol Talker Nucli ARASAAC conté el vocabulari núcli a la pàgina d'inici. Això significa que pots generar frases noves de manera ràpida i accedir a les quadrícules temàtiques només per trobar les paraules menys comunes. "Los símbolos...

Symbol Talker Nucli Català

Symbol Talker Núcleo conté el vocabulari núcli a la pàgina d'inici. Això significa que pots generar frases noves de manera ràpida i accedir a les quadrícules temàtiques només per trobar les paraules menys comunes. Les eines de gramàtica intel·ligent...

Symbol Talker Nucli Català

Symbol Talker Núcleo conté el vocabulari núcli a la pàgina d'inici. Això significa que pots generar frases noves de manera ràpida i accedir a les quadrícules temàtiques només per trobar les paraules menys comunes. Les eines de gramàtica intel·ligent...

Symbol Talker Nucli CATALÀ ARASAAC
Qinera 2

Symbol Talker Núcli ARASAAC conté el vocabulari núcli a la pàgina d'inici. Això significa que pots generar frases noves de manera ràpida i accedir a les quadrícules temàtiques només per trobar les paraules menys comunes. "Los símbolos...

Symbol Talker Nucli CATALÀ ARASAAC. Personalitzat

S'ha fet una adaptació per una usuaria del Symbol Talker Núcli ARASAAC que conté el vocabulari núcli a la pàgina d'inici. "Los símbolos pictográficos utilizados son propiedad del Gobierno de Aragón y han sido creados por Sergio Palao para ARASAAC...

Symbol User Music Player
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A grid to allow a symbol user play music. Also has features for pausing the music, changing volume and stopping the track.

Symbol Visual Schedule Template
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

An example template for creating a visual schedule / timetable, following the research-based SCERTS model for working with individuals with autism. For more information about SCERTS go to

Symbolikirjoitus A - kosketus
Smartbox Finnish

Symbolikirjoitus A on ruudukkoryhmä symboleilla keskusteluun. Sisältää sanastoa mm. kouluun, kotiin ja terapiaan.

Symbolikirjoitus B - kosketus
Smartbox Finnish

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

SymbolPrat med Skype

SymbolPrat A er et komplett kommunikasjonsoppsett for noen som ønsker å bruke symboler for å snakke. Den inneholder muligheter til å spørre om meninger, samt sider for skole, hjem og terapi bruk. Denne versjonen inneholder også Skype...

Symbols for All - Core Word Mobilo Chat
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus specific fringe mobilo construction vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Mobilo Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus specific fringe mobilo construction vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Board Game Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communcation grid with vocabulary to support discussing and playing Board Games.

Symbols for All - Core Word Baking Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication board with core words and baking related fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Computing Chat
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus computing fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Computing Chat-SymbolStyx
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus computing fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Computing Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus computing fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Jigsaw Chat
Symbols for All

A core word communication grid with jigsaw related fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Jigsaw Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A core word communication grid with jigsaw related fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Junk Modelling Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus junk modelling r fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Play Doh Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication board with core words and play-doh related fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Water Table Chat
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus water table fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Water Table Chat-SymbolStyx
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus water table fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Core Word Water Table Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with core words plus water table fringe vocabulary.

Symbols for All - Mealtime Chat-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with vocabulary to support mealtime discussion and requests.

Symbols for All - Old McDonald-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with vocabulary to support singing the 'Old MacDonald' song.

Symbols for All - Shared Reading-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with vocabulary to support a shared reading activity.

Symbols for All - The Music Man
Symbols for All

A communication grid with vocabulary to support singing 'The Music Man'.

Symbols for All - The Music Man-Widgit
Symbols for All

A communication grid with vocabulary to support singing 'The Music Man'.

Symboltale A

SymbolTaler er en hel ordforrådspakke for dem, som vil bruge symboler til at kommunikere. Du finder mange sider med udtryk og sætninger, der kan bruges i skolen, hjemme, i terapien og andre situationer.