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Completa a frase
Marta Soares

Completar as frases com palavras que façam sentido.


Attività di completamento con sillabe -gaia scuola

Completa la palabra

Gridset diseñado para realizar una tarea sencilla de identificar la letra que falta en cada palabra. Puede ser tomado como idea para ir aumentando su complejidad según la necesidad de cada usuario, y añadir la pronunciación para trabajar la...

Completar frases - frutos e cores - 2023
CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Completar a frase com o número de frutos e respetiva cor. Atividade criada pela Educadora Anabela Caiado CRPCCG/UTAAC - 2023



Compõe a palavra - 28 palavras
CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Atividade de formação das palavras do Método das 28 palavras. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

componi la sillaba

Semplicissima attività di composizione di sillabe. Ascoltare la sillaba e riscriverla. Sono presenti sulla griglia solo le 2 lettere utili per scrivere la sillaba indicata. A livello eseplificativo, ho utilizzato la lettera M.

componi le sillabe

Attività di composizione di sillabe con tutte le consonanti senza contrasti ortografici

comporre le parole
elena 2018-10-01

attività di composizione di brevi parole utilizzata con il controllo oculare con un'alunna affetta da PCI. La particolarità dell'attività è la distinzione tra l'esplorazione e la selezione.

Comprehension Stories
Alexander Gouvelis Grid3

Comprehension Stories by Strange Duck Studio

Comprensión 1


Comprensión lectora 2

Comprensión 1

Comprensión lectora infantil

Comprensión lectora infantil

Computer control aphabetic
Smartbox - The Grid 2

An Alphabetic version of our standard Computer Control grid set.

Computer Control for Look software with chat and workbooks big
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Helpful grid set for early eye gaze assessment, and supporting set up! A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn, Look to Read and Look Lab activities, as well as any other eye gaze...

Computer Control for Look to Learn with chat and workbook
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Look to Learn activities. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check positioning and calibrate the eye gaze camera as well as access to a range of chat...

Computer Control Simplified

Left click computer control

Computer control Web Access
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Take complete control of Windows and other software. Zoom to Click provides pixel accurate clicking on any target. This grid set has been created particularly for use of internet explorer, with integrated ease of access to Facebook and Youtube....

Computer control Web Access - Google Chrome
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Take complete control of Windows and other software. Zoom to Click provides pixel accurate clicking on any target. This grid set has been created particularly for use of Google Chrome, with integrated ease of access to Facebook and Youtube. Includes...

Computer Control with split keyboard
Chris Smartbox

Take complete control of Windows and other software. Zoom to Click provides pixel accurate clicking on any target. Other grids give you on-screen keyboard and control of other Windows functions. This version uses a split keyboard for typing.

Computer Keyboard
Teresa Condon

In order to beter utiliez ecazability built in to the operating systeom, it is useful to have a computer control keyboard that can make used with grid 3. The speaker icon requires the chrome webreader extension and the grammarly icon requires the...