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Morse code
Barney Hawes Smartbox

This grid set shows how you can use two switches to do Morse Code in The Grid 2. Note that this requires version 2.7 or later.

Morse code
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A grid set to allow a user to select . and - to construct a message. Includes word prediction and a phrase bank a user can add to themselves. Based on the Grid 2 version from Barney.

morse code 2 hit with autohotkeys
Sandi Shinoff

Alternative morse as access method with Autohokeys and Darcy editied April 28 2022

Moshe updated grid
Angie Sweeting

Moshe updated grid

Mothers Day
Emma H - Smartbox

A simple vocab grid set with activities, games and stories relating to Mothers Day.

Mother's Day
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple, easy to use single grid to create a message for Mother's Day. Read the message out loud or print it. Word list cells can be easily edited to change or add more options using the menu bar.

Mother's Day Activities

A fun and accessible grid set all about Mother's Day. It includes two learning grids with different cell sizes, featuring core and fringe vocabulary to encourage communication about Mother's Day. There are also two great activities to help make a...

Motivators choosing

Basic I want with motivating items

Mountain Biker
Emma Riley

Help the daring Mountain Biker to perform all his tricks to complete the course. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat grids...

Mountain Biker - Touch

Help the daring Mountain Biker to perform all his tricks to complete the course. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat grids...

Mouse control

This Gridset display's a track status window and set's the mouse control so that it works with games such as Look to Learn. To operate this gridset, simply launch it from Grid Explorer and the Track status will be shown in the top left hand side...

Mouse control
Sian 2024_03_08

This Gridset display's a track status window and set's the mouse control so that it works with games such as Look to Learn. To operate this gridset, simply launch it from Grid Explorer and the Track status will be shown in the top left hand side of...

Compass Ax 2019_12_24

Modified from FastTalker2, this grid is intended for switch user to use Mouseless Browsing Firefox Add-on. See

Mouseless Browser (Firefox)
Online Grid Bundles

Numberpad style grid for use with Firefox's Mouseless Browser add-on, from Andy Banns.

Mouseless Browser Multi Screen (Firefox)
Online Grid Bundles

Another version of the Mouseless Browser Grid for use with a split screen monitor, from Andy Banns

Mouseless Firefox (Grid 2)
Rob Series - Smartbox

Grid set for use with Firefox and Tobii Dynavox Mouseless Browsing addin. Includes ABC, QWERTY and Frequency keyboards.

Mouseless Firefox (Grid 3)
Rob Series - Smartbox

Grid set for use with Firefox and Tobii Dynavox Mouseless Browsing addin. Includes ABC, QWERTY and Frequency keyboards.

Mr Farts
Amy Robertson

x4 Mr Fart Music Videos

Mr Potato Head

A two page communication board - vocabulary related to Mr Potato Head - modify it as needed

Mr Potato head choosing game require the toy
Jess Wright - Smartbox

Activity for choosing the parts of Mr Potato head - part are from the Mr Potato Head Pot Silly Suitcase

Mr Potato Head GLP
Casey Boleat

Mr potato Gestalt Language Processor

mr tumble

Modified from Smartbox Kat's YouTube 4 Choice Version for a child learning eye tracking technology. The small grey cells as well as the controls on the video page are not accessible by eye tracking. They are meant for a facilitator to access. Action...

Mrs Natt
Helen clarke

Symbol grid in Punjabi

MSWorks (qwerty)
Online Grid Bundles

Grid set for use with Microsoft Works word processor from Bob Gowdie.

Muhammed Ali
Sue Hart

Early choice making

Muhammed Ali - Widgit
Sue Hart

Early choice making

Multimodal Book Choice Set EyeGaze Switch Access
Rebecca Cunneen

Links to different multimodal books on Youtube, similar to barefoot books. For self-selected reading.