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Voco Chat
Thrive Autism

Thrive vocochat

Kalender 2024 - tastatur med plads til billeder og lydbesked

Kalender for året 2024 med tastatur med ordforslag med symboler. Kanenderen rummer endvidere mulighed for, at optage en besked og sætte den på et relevant felt, og indsætte billeder. (billederne indsættes i redigerings tilstand)

My wants and needs - Copy

GLP stage 1, toileting


personalised grids for using within the home

High contrast PCS PODD scanning option

High Contrst PCS PODD scanning options

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - Copy
hayley smith

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

Voco Chat Ollie Trial
LSS Special Education

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

aimee rhodes

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Vocabulaire CAA Clairbois Chambesy

This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling grid enables users who have some literacy skills to spell out unique words.

Kommunikationstavler til samtaler om kvinders helbred - til print

Dette Grid layout er blevet lavet for at understøtte og/eller muligegøre samtaler om kvindelige helbredsspørgsmål. Tavlerne kan bruges af sundhedspersonale ift. at øge forståelse for hvad der skal ske i forbindelse med i eksempelvis en...

Kommunikationstavler til samtaler om kvinders helbred til print

Dette Grid layout er blevet lavet for at understøtte og/eller muligegøre samtaler om kvindelige helbredsspørgsmål. Tavlerne kan bruges af sundhedspersonale ift. at øge forståelse for hvad der skal ske i forbindelse med i eksempelvis en...

Voco Chat 1.1

Voco Chat je besedišče s simboli z majhnim številom celic, ki uporabnikom omogoča komunikacijo iz najrazličnejših razlogov. Poti za sporočanje z vgrajeno možnostjo za preskakovanje in skrbno izbranim besediščem zagotavljajo podprt pristop k jeziku....

Simbolna komunikacija D

Symbol Talker D ponuja štiri stolpce osrednjega besedišča z mrežami tem, ki se razširijo čez stran in omogočajo dostop do širokega nabora tematskih besed. Nabor mrež uvaja tudi simbolizirane napovedne celice, ki omogočajo sestavljanje več stavkov...

Simbolna komunikacija C

Za uporabnike, ki so morda seznanjeni s tematskim besediščem in lahko združijo dva ali več izbir, Symbol Talker C omogoča dostop do osnovnega besedišča, ki je pomembno za vsako temo. Smart Grammar prav tako podpira uporabnike, da razvijejo svojo...

Simbolna komunikacija B

Tematsko besedišče za uporabnike, ki se morda še bolj zavedajo, kako so stavki sestavljeni. Tematske mreže uporabnikom omogočajo sestavljanje večdelnih stavkov iz dveh ali več izbir. Velikost mreže je 7x4

Simbolna komunikacija A

Tematski besednjak za začetnike AAC uporabnike. Na vsaki tematski mreži lahko uporabniki sestavijo preproste stavke iz enega ali dveh izborov z uporabo začetnih stavkov in tematskih besed. Velikost mreže je 6x3

Youtube with commenting Grid
Zain AlAbbasi

A Bookbug Video Bookshelf with links to the authors reading their stories aloud and play/pause cells. There are also links to shared reading vocabulary grids for each book. Created by CALL Scotland. More accessible Bookbug resources are available...

Super Core 50
Christine Woods

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Hikari Interest Areas
Back to Basics

A set of symbol communication grids for a range of play activities including bubbles, bricks, Mr Potato Head and instruments. There are two levels - one with six symbols to choose from and one with twelve, with chat pages for each level. All the...

Speak for Yourself, LLC 2021_06_21-1

A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays. student spec.

Activity timer
Speak for Yourself, LLC 2021_06_21-1

Student spec. Visual support for transition
