For use in schools
Vocabulaire pour la vie
Cet ensemble est destinée aux jeunes adultes qui ont déjà une expérience de CAA. Bien que l'ensemble de grilles soit entièrement supporté par des symboles, la grille d'orthographe permet aux utilisateurs qui ont des compétences d'épeler des mots.
Vocabulary for Life
This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling grid enables users who have some literacy skills to spell out unique words.
Voco Chat
Voco Chat er et ordforråd med færre og større felter, utviklet for å gjøre det mulig for ASK brukere å kommunisere effektivt og best mulig. Oppsettet er bygd opp med et nøye utvalgt ordforråd som gir rask tilgang for ASK brukeren til å få sagt det...
Voco Chat
Voco Chat er et ordforråd med færre og større felter, utviklet for å gjøre det mulig for ASK brukere å kommunisere effektivt og best mulig. Oppsettet er bygd opp med et nøye utvalgt ordforråd som gir rask tilgang for ASK brukeren til å få sagt det...
Voco Chat
Voco Chat ist ein Symbolvokabular mit geringer Feldanzahl, dass es den NutzerInnen trotzdem ermöglicht, eine Vielzahl von Kommunikationsanlässen und -Funktionen auszudrücken. Das sorgfältig ausgewählte Vokabular sowie die automatische Bildung von...
Voco Chat
Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...
Voco Chat
Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...
Voco Chat (2)
Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...
Vogais que faltam
Atividade para completar as palavras com as vogais que faltam. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC
VSB Launch Pad
A simple eye gaze launch pad that has links to the basics all in one place. Many thanks to all the makers who we have linked here in our launch pad. Please download the VSB Letter of the Day 1 and 2 and link them to the "Letter of the Day" button...
VSB Launch Pad for Switch Access
A quadrant scanning, row/column launch pad that has links to the basics all in one place. Many thanks to all the makers who we have linked here in our launch pad.
VSB Launch Pad Level 2
A level 2 eye gaze launch pad that has links to the basics all in one place. Many thanks to all the makers who we have linked here in our launch pad.
VSB Letter of the Day A-L
This is a launch pad for the letter of the day grids made by Indigo. It includes letters A to L.
VSB Letter of the Day M-Z
This is a launch pad to organize the letter of the day grids created by Indigo. Includes letters M to Z.
Discuss the weather, and select from various weather types. Once chosen, both the text and image will be transferred to the larger chat writing cell, mirroring the process in the previous two grid set examples.
Eine Sammlung von Weihnachtsspielen, wie zum Beispiel Gegenstände aussortieren oder Puzzle zusammensetzen.
WhatsApp 3.0
Denna anpassning använder Datorkontroll för att ge tillgång till WhatsApp för PC. Du behöver först ladda ner och installera WhatsApp och sedan länka din telefon med datorn, du behöver altså även WhatsApp på din telefon. PC programvaran hittar ni på...
Whiteboard - Skrivtavla
Whitboard - Skrivtavla är en anpassning gjord för att styra Windows 10 Appen "Whitboard". Börja med att ladda hem denna via Store på din Windows 10 dator.
Wielkanoc AAC
Zestaw plansz komunikacyjnych i multimedialnych pomagających aktywnie uczestniczyć w sytuacjach związanych ze świętami wielkanocnymi
Rozmowa symbolami A to kompletny zestaw słownictwa przeznaczony dla osób korzystających ze wsparcia symboli podczas rozmowy. Zawiera plansze pozwalajace na przekazywanie poleceń, opinii, jak również plansze pomocne w szkole, domu oraz podczas...
Woordjes leren - basis
Woordjes leren door middel van vraag en keuze. Als de gridset geopend wordt komt de vraag 'Waar is de appel?' waarna de appel gekozen moet worden. Na een goed gekozen woordje komt een verbale beloning en verdwijnt deze en word het volgende woordje...
WordPower 25
WordPower 25 by Nancy Inman combines the features of core vocabulary, spelling and word prediction. Complex sentences can be generated quickly and efficiently using core words, suggested next words, smart grammar and dynamically linked pages....