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Today I'm Feeling
Speakiop for Yourself, LLC 2021_06_21-1

Kent School District: A simple check in for feelings. Emotions are labeled and color-coded to match with Zones of Regulation curriculum.

Todos no sofá
Marta Soares

Teclado com vídeo, história, tabela de comunicação, sons dos animais, contagens, ler e escrever palavras simples e completar frases.


l'univers de Tom

Tom Yes No Board

This is a switch oerated yes - no scanning grid writen to get a young brain injured patient used to switch controlled scanning. It has visual and spoken audio feedback while scanning.


Top choices

Touch 2
Madlene Becker

01.2010 Grid2 -1b Kommunikationsfläche für Erwaschene - Touch

Towerklavier - simplified display
Saskia spraakterapie

Simplified display with less song options (Placement on right side)

Trabajar la descripción

Trabajar la descripción...CCG

Traffic Light Safe Words

This is a single page Gridset with big clear buttons for the traffic light safeword system. There is a high contrast version within, set this as the home page to use it instead. The traffic lights safewords are a way to communicate boundaries and...



Matilde L.

Transportes Terra, Ar e Mar

Travaille livre des papas
IEM Montreuil

Travail de reconnaissance de pictos à partir du livre "la boite des papas"

Travel Board
Jessica Smith

This is a Grid I made for traveling. It has a communication board, a camera feature, and a few games to play. This should be editable for people to customize to their likings!

Treinar Matemática

Relacionar quantidades, treinar somas e substrações! Aqui todos aprendem e gostam de matemática.

Trial Activity Gridset
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Streamlined activity gridset to allow access practice with low cognitive load. Option to change to more robust gridset for language learning and practice.

Trouve le mot
IEM Montreuil

Retrouver le bon pictos dans 2 propositions. Exercice en lien avec les vocabulaire commun des iem et ime envoludia

Breanna Jones

TS communication grid

Tvisha G
Tvisha G

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Ud i naturen
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Elsker du også aktiviteter ude i naturen? Et sidesæt med aktivitetsbaserede tavler til sommerferien ude i naturen. Indeholder ordforråd til aktiviteterne, musik til lejrbålet samt banko-plader til naturen. Du kan også printe siderne ud til at tage...

Udforsk hvilke ord der begynder med de forskellige bogstaver dansk

I dette sidesæt kan du undersøge hvilke ord der begynder med de forskellige bogstaver. Sidesættet kan bruges med alle betjeningsformer, og er også tilgængelig med færøsk i grid online hvis man skifter søges prog til færøsk.

Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Lav dit eget ugeskema. Helt uden at gå i redigering. Vælg din aktivitet og placer den et valgfrit sted på ugeskemaet.

