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Ralf Super Core 50 Dutch
Chelsea Roldan

SuperCore is een gemakkelijk te gebruiken kernvocabulaire, ontworpen om vroege OC gebruikers succes te laten ervaren met symbolencommunicatie. Het combineert een consistent kernvocabulaire met context-specifieke taal, focust op dagelijkse routines...

Ralf Super Core 50 English
Chelsea Roldan

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Ramadan grid set

Here is a Symbol Talker grid set in ARABIC to use during the holy month of Ramadan. It includes all one needs to communciate their needs and desires during this holiday.

Rana ramona

Esta es una escena visual basada en el cuento "rana ramona". de Nick Denchfield y Ant Parker, de editorial SM. Está pensada para facilitar el acceso a la lectura compartida del cuento, a niños y niñas que acceden por mirada y que se encuentren en...

Rana ramona

Esta es una escena visual basada en el cuento "rana ramona". de Nick Denchfield y Ant Parker, de editorial SM. Está pensada para facilitar el acceso a la lectura compartida del cuento, a niños y niñas que acceden por mirada y que se encuentren en...

Raphael ecoute
Manuel Rabiller clex

Raphael écoute MANU

Rasha Arabic- متحدّث الرموز

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home, and Therapy use.

Rasha Grid Set

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Rasha Grid Set - March update

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Rask Prat 3 Pluss

Rask Prat 3 Pluss er et gridoppsett med ekstra funksjoner i e-post tastaturet. Det er bl.a. lagt til flere tegn, og disse ligger i en ordliste slik at man kan legge til enda flere om nødvendig. Alle tastaturene er i qwerty. Det er også lagt...

RC Dog
Link Assistive

grid set for controlling a remote control dog toy

ReAACtis 1.0

Zum Erstellen neuer Seiten und Szenenbildern muss ergänzend das Raster "ReAACtis Vorlage" installiert sein. ReAACtis 1.0 Ist die Basis für die Kommunikation über Szenenbilder. Die Bilder dienen dazu, den Bezug zu Alltagssituationen oder dem...

ReAACtis Vorlage 1.0

Vorlageneditor zum Raster "ReAACtis 1.0" Zum Erstellen neuer Seiten und Szenenbildern muss dieses Raster "ReAACtis Vorlage" zu dem Nutzerraster "ReAACtis 1.0" installiert sein.

Receita bolo Iogurte

Uma receita adaptada que pode ser usada por todos!

Recenzia knihy

A simple gridset to support book review writing. It includes wordlists for opinions, likes/dislikes and recommendations. Wordlists can be easily adapted to personalise comments.


Receta adaptada para niños con dieta cetogénica pero que puede disfrutar toda la familia.


Receta adaptada para niños con dieta cetogénica pero que puede disfrutar toda la familia.

Tanya 2024-04

grilles où il faut remettre en ordre les étapes d'une recette de gâteau

SSR Pédia

séquençage gâteau au chocolat

Record your own book template
Smartbox Academy

This template allows you to create a story using your voice. Select the page, record part of the story, choose a picture, and continue to the next page of the story. The user is then able to listen to each part of the story, turn the page and...

Regina Comunicación
Dana LC

Symbol Talker es un paquete completo de vocabulario para alguien que quiere utilizar símbolos para hablar. Tiene páginas para preguntar opiniones, así como páginas para usar en la escuela, en casa o en la terapia.


I made this to help me with regulating myself, I felt like it might be helpful to others who want to make something similar.

Reilu-AACi 2.0

Valteri Ruskiksen toteuttamat AACi-taulustot ovat AACi-kansioiden käyttöperiaatteita ja visuaalista ilmettä mukailevia helppokäyttöisiä taivuttavia sisältöjä. AACi:t Hyödyntävät DialoQ-taivuttimen ominaisuuksia, jolla yksittäiset sanat muodostavat...