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Adults with MND Grids
MND Scotland10

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

Amy Kendall

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

ADV Colour
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

ADV - Adult Dynamic Vocabulary. A vocabulary we had in The Grid 1 now imported into The Grid 2. Freely available for people to use.

Advanced Switch
Smartbox Tizzy

This is a compact version of the switch user, for people that want a more discreet keyboard with all the funtionality of the full user.


Semplice agenda per segnare quello che succede nella giornata

Agilis 4x4 PCS
Karolin Schäfer

Einfaches Kinderraster nach dem Motto "UK after GoTalk" mit Themenseiten wie "schnelle Worte", "Kindergarten", "Kleidung", "Spielsachen" etc. Als Einstieg für Kinder geeignet, die zunächst nur einen geringen Vokabularumfang benötigen oder auf große...

Agilis 4x4 Symbolstix
Karolin Schäfer

Einfaches Kinderraster nach dem Motto "UK after GoTalk" mit Themenseiten wie "schnelle Worte", "Kindergarten", "Kleidung", "Spielsachen" etc. Als Einstieg für Kinder geeignet, die zunächst nur einen geringen Vokabularumfang benötigen oder auf große...

Agilis 7x8
Karolin Schäfer

Agilis 7x8. Umfangreiche Symbolkommunikation mit Grammatikfunktion und Wortstrategie: Die Agilis-Strategie ermöglicht eine schnelle und flexible Kommunikation für Kinder und Jugendliche und soll deren kommunikative Möglichkeiten kontinuierlich...

AgilisPro 9x8 türkis

AgilisPro 6x8 türkis PCS-Autogrammatik Symboloberfläche Beta. Agilis Pro. Umfangreiche Symbolkommunikation mit Grammatikfunktion und Wortstrategie als Erweiterung für fortgeschrittene Nutzer von Agilis 7 x 8. Förderung der...

AgilisPro 9x8 rot

AgilisPro 6x8 rot PCS-Autogrammatik Symboloberfläche Agilis Pro. Umfangreiche Symbolkommunikation mit Grammatikfunktion und Wortstrategie als Erweiterung für fortgeschrittene Nutzer von Agilis 7 x 8. Agilis Pro folgt dem bewährten Konzept...

Aktiv kommunikatör
Logoped Josefin

Anpassningar som gör eleven till en aktiv kommunikatör genom att eleven är den som leder situationen genom sina yttranden.

Al mercato con la mamma

Attività di comprensione del testo con domande a scelta multipla e piccole attività per composizione della frase

Alan Martin's Basic Bundle
Online Grid Bundles

A basic starter bundle from Alan Martin to get someone up and running quickly. This is a really useful bundle which should enable an older teenager or an adult to get started quickly with The Grid 2. It includes much everyday conversation, useful...

jose oliveira

Em português com teclados qwerty e ABC , aritmetica , jogo para escrever uma palavra préviamente ouvida e possibilidade de ouvir musicas e visualizar filmes ; inclui acesso ao computador (ON\OFF) - Não inclui gravação de documentos. Somente...

Claire McMillan

Simple communication Grids for choosing play activities. 4-6 cells except for a number page with more cells

Alien Reverberation
Online Grid Bundles

Gary the Alien welcomes you to Alien Reverberation for The Grid 2. Simple cause and effect grid with nice graphics from Andy Clarke. Aliens with sound effects. This grid has been produced to make use of the transparent cell features of the grid...

Alien Reverberation (1)
Jayne Heathcote

Gary the Alien welcomes you to Alien Reverberatiion for The Grid

Alimentação saudável
Sílvia Artilheiro Alves

"Somos o que comemos" e como as crianças não nascem ensinadas, esta grelha pretende ser uma das maneiras de as ensinar a comer de uma forma equilibrada e saudável.

Alphabet and Phonological Awareness
Bridges Canada Leanne

A template, featuring the letter "s", that can be customized for any letter of the alphabet. A variety of leveled activities are incorporated.

Alphabet Halving for Communication
Marcus Friday

2 switch Grid 2 halving alphabetic layout keyboard made for visually impaired client. Long hold on switch 1 for space and long hold on switch 2 to speak text chat workspace. 6 switch presses required for each letter. Deliberately left 'start...

alternative pencil

for literacy exploration, based on the "4 blocks" literacy strategy

alternative pencil phoneme keyboard
Daniel Cooper

Grids made for early literacy and playing with sound letter coorespondence. Can be used with eye gaze

alternative pencil ver 2
Daniel Cooper

Improved format of alternative pencil. Says letter names. Additional features of full stop and backspace are hidden above the workspace.

Amazon Echo
Emma H - Smartbox

This grid bundle for the Amazon Echo or Echo Dot gives you access to music, audio books, radio, news, weather, jokes, alarms etc as well as giving control over smart home devices such as lights, sockets and heating. The phrases on each page can be...