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t more less
tracey press

Activity designed by my colleague Ellie Bennett for teaching more and less with switches, pointer, or eye tracking. Selecting correct answer plays a sound and goes to next question. Selecting incorrect answer does nothing. A facilitator can...

t pete
tracey press

This grid set was created by ATtherapy. This is to be used with the book Pere the Cat by Eric Litwin. As you read the book, play the sound effects and ask what colour are Pete's shoes now!? Have fun! Contact:

T single target 1
tracey press

Single target gridset requiring localisation for learning targeting skills. For low-cognition eye-tracking-technology users, consider starting with dwell at about 1 second with progress marker feedback to draw reflexive gaze but then upgrading to...

t single target 2
tracey press

Single target gridset requiring localisation for learning targeting skills. For low-cognition eye-tracking-technology users, consider starting with dwell at about 1 second with progress marker feedback to draw reflexive gaze but then upgrading to...

t sound story
tracey press

A grid set made up of a short story with sound effects called my mixed up morning. The user can work through the story playing the words and the sound effects at their own pace. The transcript is also included incase a facilitator wants to make it...

t stickman
tracey press

The full story of Stickman minus the Christmas parts. This is a Read to Me story where the reader can enjoy the story, pictures and enjoyable sound effects. Format created by Petar Tica

TA - fonctions grammaticales

Retrouve le verbe, le sujet et le CVD CVI dans la phrase


Wortschatz E2 Junior


Wortschatz E3 Junior

TA révision 7P conjugaison

Révision imparfait, présent, passé composé, futur

TA vocabulaire 1 et 2

Vocabulaire 8H

TA Wortschatz E1

Evaluation de vocabulaire E1

Taartjes fabriek - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Wil jij de griezelige Taartjesfabriek bezoeken om een taart te bakken? Kies je basis, glazuur en spookachtige versieringen! Deze grid set helpt je bij het ontwikkelen van vroege keuze maken vaardigheden. Interactief Leren activiteiten zijn...

Taartjes fabriek - aanraken
Smartbox Flemish

Wilt u de gekke taartenfabriek bezoeken om een cake te bakken? Kies uw taartbodem, het glazuur en versier het dan met de gewenste toppings! Deze paginaset helpt om keuzevaardigheden te ontwikkelen. Activiteiten van Interactief Leren zijn ontworpen...

Tabela da Musicoterapeuta

Exemplo de uma tabela de comunicação concebida para a sessão de uma profissional musicoterapeuta. Para cada sessão, a Musicoterapeuta define novas estratégias, com o objetivo de ir ao encontro das necessidades de cada utente.

Tabela de Comunicação Médica - Ucraniano & Português
Smartbox Portuguese

Tabelas para ajudar alguém na comunicação de problemas médicos quando forem ver um médico ou em um hospital.

Table top games

This grid include support for playing popular games including Werewolves Pokemon battle Pokémon trading cards Minecraft (console play) Super Mario kart Designed around current versions of Pokemon cards. To support trading and swapping...

Martin Nadège

Tableau ortho

tableau de com pages

Choix esthétique .CRF lillers


Tablet Milenka

Tablet tyčinky

Základná komunikácia: áno, nie, o mne, jesť, piť

tåg IR styrt

tåg IRstyrt

tåg IR styrt - enkel

tåg IRstyrt- enkel