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Phonics Screening Grid set
Son - Smartbox

A grid set created to allow users to be able to access the National Cirriculum Phonics Screening Check which is set up for Key Stage One. Created by Standards and Angency Testing

Photo display with comments and story

Take and share photos and tell their story. symbol stix direct/switch access Chris Sherlock July 2019

Photo display with comments and story - rest cells

Take and share photos and tell their story. Symbolstix. With an access method rest cell. Chris Sherlock July 2019

Photo Slideshow
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A simple slideshow grid set where you can choose between a slideshow of photos in your My Photos folder or photos on a memory stick. Includes a chat page for giving and asking opinions about the photos.

Photo viewer - one cell
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A simple photoviewer you can point towards a memory stick of pictures.

Photos_AB Pacec_juin 22
Ortho pacec

Visionner des photos (simple)

Physical games GLP

physical games Gestalt Language Processor

Piano Hud - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

Watch and listen to your favourite songs on the Magic Piano. Includes Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep and other classic tunes. This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...

Piano Mágico

Causa-efeito, comunicação, aprendizagem.

Piano Mágico - Touch
Smartbox Portuguese

Watch and listen to your favourite songs on the Magic Piano. Includes Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep and other classic tunes. This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...

Piano magique - version tactile
Smartbox French

Développer des compétences précoces en matière de cause et d'effet grâce à nos activités d'apprentissage interactif. Ils sont conçus pour être motivant et amusant tout en enseignant des compétences d'accès.

Piano Tunes
Judy King

Learn to play the piano with some simple tunes and short phrases from well known songs. Contact Judy King ( if you would like some more tunes added.

Picture Maker - Touch

Create your own picture by choosing a scene then adding characters to it, before taking the perfect photograph. This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Picture Maker - Touch
Smartbox (US)

Create your own picture by choosing a scene then adding characters to it, before taking the perfect photograph. This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

PIE trial

QuickStep 8! This powerful, progressive symbol-based user is intended for Beginning Communicators. Communicate using phrases, sentence starters, common expressions and fringe vocabulary! Functions of communication located on every page via...

Pierre, feuille, ciseaux !
Irène M

Jouez à pierre, feuille, ciseaux en appuyant simplement sur un bouton ! Grid 3 sélectionne au hasard pour vous.

Pierwsze słowa
Rozpoczynamy pracę z Grid 3

Pakiet plansz będący narzędziem edukacyjnym pomagającym w motywujący i zabawny sposób uczyć i wypowiadać pierwsze słowa. Dziecko uczy się znaczenia słów oraz symboli. Po kliknięciu na komórkę z symbolem i słowem jest ono odczytywane po czym robot...

Pierwsze słowa

Pakiet plansz będący narzędziem edukacyjnym pomagającym w motywujący i zabawny sposób uczyć i wypowiadać pierwsze słowa. Dziecko uczy się znaczenia słów oraz symboli. Po kliknięciu na komórkę z symbolem i słowem jest ono odczytywane po czym robot...

Pig the Grub - switching auditory scanning
Shauna logged in

this is an adapted version of pig the grub created by TalkLink trust for auditory switch scanners

Pin number - password
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This is a grid set for someone to have a pin code lock to part of their grid set. The current pin code is 3-5-7. To reset the pin code go into editing mode on the first page and change the 3 to a jump home. Then change the number you want to a...

Pin number - password
Evane Caldwell

This is a grid set for someone to have a pin code lock to part of their grid set. The current D pin code is 3-5-7. To reset the pin code go into editing mode on the first page and change the 3 to a jumpdddddd home. Then change the number you...