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Days of the Week
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple grid to be used at the start of the day. Complete the sentence 'Today is...' by selecting the day of the week.

De qual gostas mais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade para escolher desenhos animados. Educadora Anabela Caiado UTAAC/CRPCCG 2021

De que cor é
Marta Soares

De que cor é?

De quem são as bolas
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação para a História "De quem são as bolas" Educadora Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2021

Dean New Grid Set

Fast Talker Large Cell has the same features as Fast Talker and is available for people who need larger cells on each grid. It has a frequency-based keyboard that splits letters across two grids, with the most commonly used letters appearing first....

Dean New Grid Set
Dean Pettit

Fast Talker Large Cell has the same features as Fast Talker and is available for people who need larger cells on each grid. It has a frequency-based keyboard that splits letters across two grids, with the most commonly used letters appearing first....

Dear Father Christmas
Jenny Treen-Smith

This grid set allows the symbol user to form the sentences of the story following the well known story of Dear Santa by Rod Campbell. Sounds have been added for some presents and an extra page of magical sounds at the end of the story.

Dear Zoo
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A grid set to support reading the well known children's story

Dear Zoo eye gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A grid to support reading the well know children's story

Dear Zoo eye gaze - Writing
Keira Smartbox

As you read the story, choose the appropriate adjective for the animal and print off the story you have written at the end of the book.

Dear Zoo Symbols
Kelly SALT

Symbol board for Dear Zoo- 25 cell


Welsh bilingual (Welsh to English)

Descrever imagens
Marta Soares

Descrever imagens simples. Adaptação do teclado criado por Margarida Nunes da Ponte.

Describing pics
Tom M

Alien descriptions

desmos graphling

This is a grid based on eyegaze wordpower 25 that opens the Desmos Graphing webpage, and lets you graph in slope-intercept form or graph tables.

DHRT 2hit Word Power D
Ryan Goodwin

2 Hit with smaller cell size WordPower D is aimed at students who wish to use correct syntax and more complete sentences, need to build up speed of communication and who wish to integrate their communication aid use with independent access to other...

Dia da liberdade

Videos sobre o 25 de Abril e o que é uma revolução. Conceitos de liberdade, ditadura e democracia.

Dia das Bruxas - Atividades 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividades de identificação de vogais, ditongos e palavras; cores e quantidades; associação dos números às quantidades. Tabela temática sobre o Dia das Bruxas com 32 células. "O cuquedo e um amor que mete medo" história narrada e atividade com...

Dia das Bruxas - Tabela Temática - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela temática para o Dia das Bruxas com 36 células. Criada pela Educadora Anabela Caiado CRPCCG-UTAAC-2023

Dia dos Namorados 2022

Uma lista de compras em formato de acesso ao computador!


Commencer à parler est un vocabulaire de communication pour les utilisateurs de pictogrammes. Ces grilles fournissent un point de départ structuré pour déveloper un système de communication plus étendu et personnalisé.

Dilbert - acets

acets dilbert

Dilbert Dog 2 choices no distractions
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Dilbert Dog 2 choices - no distractions. With this grid set the choices are on a separate page to the animation.

Dilbert the Dog - Beginner

Beginner set using only 1-2 buttons See how Dilbert responds when you put a rain cloud over him and/or dry him off. This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun...

Dilbert the Dog - one cell
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A Cause and Effect one cell version of Dilbert the Dog Interactive learning activity.

Dilbert the Dog Choices - 8 big cells
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

An 8 cell gridset version of Dilbert the Dog, for people that need bigger buttons.