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Halloween Spooky Soundboard
Smartbox Kat

Spooky sounds for the Halloween system. Simple grid set allows you to select and play simple sounds. Select the cell to play the sound! Sound will automtically stop or select the cell again to stop. There is the added bonus of a 2nd grid...

Halloween Wordlist
Natasha Roberts - Smartbox

One page user with different wordlists for talking about Halloween - updated for Grid 3.

Marlene Edin

Handleliste hvor det er meningen at kategoriene og innholdet kan tilpasses individet som skal ta den i bruk.


Oppsett for å lage handleliste, varer er sortert i ulike kategorier for enkelt å lage en handleliste som kan printes ut. Oppsettet er laget med ordlistefelt som gjør det enkelt å legge til nye varer etter behov

Handleliste med sms

Handleliste passer til Grid 3 enheter. Handlelisten vil være et nyttig verktøy både i butikk og dersom man ønsker å lage en handleliste å sende på sms.


Anpassning för att göra handlingslista till mataffären

Barney Hawes - Smartbox

Activity cards for Harrison's day.

Hart CVA Template
RM MI demo

Simple symbol bases grid set for CVA patients.

Have you ever been bullied or treated - 3 options
Leigh Wharton

Have you ever been bullied or treated differently because of who you are? This board can be used to answer the Children's commissioner for Wales, Ambitions for Wales questionnaire.

Have you ever been bullied or treated differently?
Leigh Wharton

Have you ever been bullied or treated differently because of who you are? This board can be used to answer the Children's commissioner for Wales, Ambitions for Wales questionnaire.

Hazard Alley
Elen Bekker

Vocab pages for safety

HC Grid
Harry Crayford

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

hedgehogs boards Friday
Katy Louise Hanna

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

hedgehogs boards Monday
Katy Louise Hanna

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

hedgehogs boards thursday
Katy Louise Hanna

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

hedgehogs boards Tuesday
Katy Louise Hanna

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

hedgehogs boards Wednesday
Katy Louise Hanna

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

hedgehogs daily boards
Katy Louise Hanna

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...




Pakiet Heli na podstawie pakietu Oli


Przykładowy użytkownik programu The Grid 2. Zawiera zestaw plansz do komunikacji, planszę umożliwiającą przeglądanie internetu oraz plansze umożliwiające, na przykład, wybór przedmiotów potrzebnych w szkole czy potraw na śniadanie.



Hello page 1

Hello page

Sian 2024_03_08

a way to call for help or get a persons attention when needed . ( on ipad the volume need more work so if u need it louder or quieter etc, use the ipad button on the side of your ipad) i’m working on...

Henry the Eighth's Wives

Order Henry the Eighth's infamous wives, and describe how each of them met their end.

Het Sprekend Boek - Demo
Het Sprekend Boek

Zelfstandig prentenboeken lezen via de website van Het Sprekend Boek. Op deze website staan bijna 500 prentenboeken. Via deze demo-grid-set kun je alleen de gratis boekjes lezen. Zo krijg je een goede indruk hoe het sprekend boek werkt en of het...

Het Sprekend Boek - Met oogbesturing
Het Sprekend Boek

Bedienen van het Sprekend Boek, dus prentenboeken lezen door zelfstandig boekjes te kiezen en te bladeren. Binnen de website zelf is het mogelijk diverse persoonlijke instellingen te kiezen (b.v. blokkeren dat er vroegtijdig doorgebladerd kan worden...

Het Sprekend Boek - met oogbesturing en kletsen
Het Sprekend Boek

Sprekend boek met een aantal voorbeeld boekjes erin met daarin de aan de linkderkant cellen om mee te kunnen praten over de inhoud van het boekje.