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Som Animais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Associar o som do animal à imagem correspondente.

Som s ou z
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Discriminar auditivamente os pares minimos /s/ e /z/. Desenvolver a consciência fonológica dos sons supracitados.

Somas de 1 a 10

Este Teclado tem somas de 1 a 10 sequenciais e aleatórias. Produzido por Daniela Ramos, Cristiana Taveira e Jaime Ribeiro (ESSLei - IPLEIRIA)


CRPCCG - 2022 T Fala André Santos

Some Core Words
John G

Warning I created this grid to use with Grid Player but while it works in Grid 3 it talks gibberish in Grid Player...

Something's wrong
NeuroNode NEW

Waz somthings wrong

amy faulkner

Finn song

Newfield School

6 symbol edit

tracey press

6 symbol edit

Sonos 0.1
Laith Ritchie

This grid set allows you or your client to access the, Sonos desktop controller, independently, with any access methods.

Sons do Ambiente

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Sons dos animais da quinta
Matilde L.

Sons dos animais da quinta

Sons dos animais da quinta
Marta Soares

Sons dos animais da quinta

Sons iniciais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade de consciência fonológica Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

Sont conna
James Scammell

A game for ........ zombies chiefs of zombie police 👮‍♂️ need your support and help Thankyou

Sophia Trial Gridset
Camille Bourret

Trial Grid for Sophia


Widgit symbols and photos I got the idea off another online grid and I’ve added to personalise to me

Sophie Ryback 2017 01 16 training

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.