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Yes No
John G

Two buttons, one for yes, one for no.

Yes no

A simple grid with Yes and no responses

Yes or No
Rosalind Angier

Binary choice

Yes, No and Maybe
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A simple one page grid that can be added into any vocabulary set. This page gives users access to a nice clear, Yes, No and Maybe.

Youtube - 1 click search

A simple, one click search for Youtube using a Wordlist for children or adults.

YouTube - 1 click search with symbols
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Browse and play millions of videos from YouTube. Add your own quick search terms with symbol support for ease and speed. v3.6

Youtube - 2 Step Eye 2022

Updated 2022. This gridset is based on Smartbox's newest YouTube v3.7 template. This template has been modified so all grid pages have 5 columns & 4 rows - providing larger cells for access while still offering full functionality. Anyone...

YouTube 2 Choices
Rosie Farthing

Simplified YouTube grid set with direct play video links. Home cells will link to a single video to auto play and return to the home grid when finished.

YouTube 4 choice version
Smartbox Kat

Simplified YouTube grid set with direct play video links. Home cells will link to a single video to auto play. Play grid has stop/ play options for control


Browse and play millions of videos from YouTube with an AEIOU keyboard v3.6

YouTube for Kids

Browse and play videos millions of videos from YouTube.

YouTube for Kids
Alex Butler word power 100

Browse and play videos millions of videos from YouTube add more easy access choices

YouTube for Kids
Tessa fayers

Browse and play videos millions of videos from YouTube.

YouTube for kids - eye gaze and switch access
Smartbox - The Grid 2

YouTube for Kids is a new grid set that offers children a simple, straightforward and easy-to-access way to use YouTube. You need to install Adobe Flash Player 5 to use this grid set. This version is designed for switch and eye gaze users.

YouTube for Kids - Favourites by category
Michelle Mason

Browse and play videos millions of videos from YouTube. Either search using the keyboard, or save 'favourites' by editing the word lists under each of the 3 category pages. Created by Michelle Mason, SENICT AAC Assistant for Oxfordshire County...

YouTube for Kids!
Smartbox - The Grid 2

YouTube for Kids is a new grid set that offers children a simple, straightforward and easy-to-access way to use YouTube. With YouTube for Kids on your communication aid, you pick a topic and then choose from a selection of videos. Advantages...

YouTube for switches
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Browse and play millions of videos from YouTube. v3.6 for switches This version has been optimised for switch access, as well as auditory scanning, with an AEIOU keyboard layout, page prompts to remind you where you are in the web page and...

YouTube for switches made by SLT KP
Kiernan Oates

Browse and play millions of videos from YouTube. v3.6 for switches This version has been optimised for switch access, as well as auditory scanning, with an AEIOU keyboard layout, page prompts to remind you where you are in the web page and...

YouTube for symbol users
Jess Wright - Smartbox

YouTube search for symbol users - a grid set that offers a simple, straightforward and easy-to-access way to use YouTube through pre created cells and paste cells which when these grids are added to a vocabulary enable an individual to use symbols....

Youtube grid for Liv

Youtube grid for Liv uploaded 27.05.24

Youtube grid for Liv

Youtube grid for Liv uploaded 27.05.24

YouTube Kids

An accessible, age appropriate and advert free YouTube experience for kids. v1.0

YouTube Large Cell

Browse and play millions of videos from YouTube. v3.6

YouTube one cell play and pause for switch
Trevor Mobbs - Smartbox

Single cell grid - plays a YouTube video for 5s and pauses, selecting the cell again will resume the video for another 5s The correct video should be opened, taken past any adverts, set to full screen and paused before handing control over to the...