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Festive Placemat
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple template to create a festive placemat that can be used at the Christmas table. Vocabulary round the edge can be personalised.

Feuerwerk - Touch
Smartbox German

Mache dein eigenes Feuerwerk - mit Raketen, Feuerrädern und Sprühkerzen. Dieses Rasterset dient zum Erkennen von Ursache und Wirkung. Mit den Rastersets zum interaktiven Lernen sollen spielerisch und motivert Schlüsselqualifikationen erworben...

Ffatri Gacennau - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

Do you want to visit the creepy Cake Factory to make a cake? Choose your base, icing and spooky toppings! This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching...

PALS Preschool

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Figuras geométricas
Marta Soares

Teclado sobre figuras geométricas (círculo, triângulo, quadrado e retângulo) com música, tabela de dupla entrada e identificação das formas geométricas, nomeadamente, em objetos do dia-a-dia.

File Explorer
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A grid set for opening and editing Word and Excel documents and PDF documents. Used in conjunction with Microsoft Excel and Word, and Abobe Reader. Now with the functionality to open and print pictures using file explorer.


Voco Chat je komunikační mřížka pro uživatele, kterým vyhovuje menší počet políček. Obsahuje velké množství témat pro komunikaci. Tabulky s více úrovňovými odkazy a pečlivě vybranou slovní zásobou poskytují podporovaný přístup k jazyku. Sada...

Filip chat
Lenka Říhová

Voco Chat je komunikační mřížka pro uživatele, kterým vyhovuje menší počet políček. Obsahuje velké množství témat pro komunikaci. Tabulky s více úrovňovými odkazy a pečlivě vybranou slovní zásobou poskytují podporovaný přístup k jazyku. Sada...

Fill a GoogleDoc with SuperCore50 grid set

Web-based document editing software which allows users to compose the message that they wish to paste into a Google Doc/or uploaded worksheet/picture. Jump to SuperCore50 (but can be removed and any grid set may be substituted).


Eksempel oppsett - Hvordan vise youtube filmer i et Grid oppset. Viser fire eksempler med forskjellige videoadresser til hver sin underside med videovisning og egen fullskjerm knapp PS! Inneholder funksjonalitet som ikke fungerer optimalt i Grid...

Filmspelare Specifikt YouTube klipp
Jesper Picomed

Ett exempel hur det enkelt går att spela upp specifika YouTub-Klipp.

Filmspelare Specifikt YouTube klipp

Ett exempel hur det enkelt går att spela upp specifika YouTub-Klipp.

Find det der rimer

I dette sidesæt, bliver der sagt nogle ord, så er opgaven, at finde det ord det rimer på ud af tre mulige. Herefter er der et rim med ordene. Sidesættet kan bruges med alle betjeningsformer, og der er hovedsageligt brugt PCS-symboler.. Denne...

find det der rimer - stemmer Sara og Magnus

I dette sidesæt, bliver der sagt nogle ord, så er opgaven, at finde det ord det rimer på ud af tre mulige. Herefter er der et rim med ordene. Sidesættet kan bruges med alle betjeningsformer, og der er hovedsageligt brugt PCS-symboler.. Denne...

Find enhjørningen - øjenstyringstest
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Øjenstyringstest med en enhjørning. Kan du finde dem alle?

Find the face
Henshaws College

Choice from 2, 3 and 4 cells

Fing, Day Eight - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Eleven - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Five - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Four - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Nine - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day One - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Seven - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Six - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Ten - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....

Fing, Day Thirteen - The Final Installment - By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these in the form of an accessible grid set via online grids....