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4 choices to teach simple switch scanning.

Hodiny - dotyk
Smartbox Czech

Jednoduchý svazek mřížek s digitálním a analogickým zobrazením hodin.

Hodiny - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Jednoduchý zväzok mriežok s digitálnym a analógovým zobrazením hodín.

Hoje eu quero - FM

Seleção de atividade

Hoje eu quero - FM

Seleção de atividade

holde fødselsdag tal bog

I dette sidesæt kan du lære at genkende tallene fra 0-10 ved at hjælpe Bo med at gøre klar til hans fødselsdagsfest. Han har brug for hjælp til at købe det rigtige ind til fødselsdagskagen. Puste det rigtige antal balloner op med mere. I sidesættet...

Holiday Chat
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

This gridset is designed to allow users to chat about what they did during their holidays and also chat to others about theirs. The word list can be easily edited from the menu bar to change the items available on the first grid. The second grid...

Holiday diary
Natasha Roberts - Smartbox

A diary grid to record what you are getting up to over the half term holidays. Add into a grid set of your choice. Once you have added your news to the chat writing area, head to the diary grid and add it to your day of choice. Perfect for...

Holiday news

Let your family, friends and staff know how your holiday went.

Holland Facts

Tap on the pictures to hear brief facts about The Netherlands



Mont a l'Abbe School

Victory Class

Home corner GLP
Casey Boleat

Home corner Gestalt Language Processor

Alexander Gouvelis Grid3

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Amy Robertson

Practice homophones

Homophones - Next Step
Amy Robertson

Practice homophones within a sentence. Learner have to use the correct homophone to create a sentence.

Honey Hogger - The Worlds Worst Children 2 By David Walliams
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Every day at 11am, you can listen one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20ish minutes of pure fun! : We will share these iin the form of an accessible...

Smartbox Kat

Does it exactly what it says on the tin: One cell, activates a loud HONK!! noise

Hoofdmenu Putternest

Het Hoofdmenu voor kinderen met wat meer communicatie-behoefte dan de Vinkennest-gebruikers. De GridSet maakt voor een deel gebruik van 'woordenlijsten'. Om door te kunnen gaan op eenzelfde thema wordt ook gebruik gemaakt van cellen met eigen...

Horario visual - Widgit

Paquete de cuadrículas para que el usuario vea y recuerde sus actividades diarias. Usa símbolos Widgit

CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Observar as horas no relógio analógico e associar a imagem do relógio digital.