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My News
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A resource to help you share your news. Rather than just the one button this encourages people to share more about their news, such as where it happened and who was there, allowing you to have more of a conversation. This grid set can be added...

My News - extended
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A resource to help you share your news. Rather than just the one button this encourages people to share more about their news, such as where it happened and who was there, allowing you to have more of a conversation. This grid set can be added...

My Pictorial Keyboard
Neil Hansen

A simple keyboard with prediction and numbers for beginning writers. Use the sounds like button to help with mis-spellings.

My Pictorial Keyboard
Marisa Deguara

A simple keyboard with prediction and numbers for beginning writers. Use the sounds like button to help with mis-spellings.

My School Timetable
Jenny Treen-Smith @Communicate

A school daily grid for your child to know what they are doing throughout their school day. This works like a schedule that dims out after activation and there is a 'start again' button on each schedule if needed. This can be added into a grid...

My Stories
ATtherapy 2

This grid set has been designed by Francesca Sephton at ATtherapy. It is designed to support communication aid users to share their stories throughout their life. It is a template to be heavily personalised for an individual. Please change the...

My Stories (updated)
ATtherapy 2

This grid set has been designed by Francesca Sephton at ATtherapy. It is designed to support communication aid users to share their stories throughout their life. It is a template to be heavily personalised for an individual. Please change the...

my visual scenes
Shauna logged in

visual scene set up with instructions on grid 3

My wants and needs
Casey Boleat

GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My wants and needs
Jersey SALT

OB GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My wants and needs - Copy

GLP stage 1, toileting

My wants and needs OB
Jersey SALT

OB GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My wants and needs OB original
Casey Boleat

OB GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My World NO

My World lar brukeren ta kontroll over utstyr og leker. My world kan styres ved hjelp av touch, bryter eller øye styring. My World gir en spennende ny interaktiv læring

My World V2
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

My World allows the user to take control of sensory equipment and toys. For a list of the toys that we use please email The package includes lights, a bubble machine, a robot and much more! Each accessory can be...




An eye gaze computer control grid for the PC software MyPaint. Go to to download MyPaint for free

MyTobii P10
Online Grid Bundles

How does myTobii P10 work? From Chris George

Na Cidade - Adaptada

Causa-efeito, comunicação, aprendizagem.

Na Divljem zapadu
Smartbox Croatian

Jiha, kauboji! Ovaj prizor vodi nas na Divlji Zapad i zato se čuvajte muzikalnog kaktusa, šerifa koji puca na vas i još mnogočega. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti...

Na mirnome jezeru
Smartbox Croatian

Istražujući ovaj prizor na jezeru ćete pronaći divlje životinje, čamac, pa čak i vlak. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na...

Na praia

Adaptado por: ANDITEC Elaborado por: María Fernández Fernández (Maestra de Audición y Lenguaje, Educación Especial. CDIAT Alcázar, AFAS Plena Inclusión) Autor pictogramas: Sergio Palao Procedencia: ARASAAC ( Licencia: CC...

Na Quinta do Tio Manel
CRN - Terapia da Fala

Música - Na Quinta do Tio Manel

Smartbox Basque

Nabigatzaile web irisgarria, interneten nabigatzeko beharrezko tresna guztiak eskaintzen ditu.