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SymbolTalker B BW 11 07 2016
Sarah A

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Symboly a zvuky

symboly so zvukmi

Symbool Chat A
Caroline Vanbesien

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Symbool Chat A

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Symbool Chat B

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Symbool Chat B
Caroline Vanbesien

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Symbool Chat C
Caroline Vanbesien

Symbol Talker C provides a transition for people that have successfully communicated with a topic based vocabulary and are ready to use more language tools to say more. Core vocabulary is the name given to the words we speak most often. In Symbol...

Symbool Chat D
Caroline Vanbesien

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Smartbox Afrikaans

Symnoji laat jou vining emosies, idees of gevoelens deel deur ‘n animasie karakter te gebruik. Gebruik Symoji om betekenis oor te dra, of deel ‘n hele boodskap met ‘n enkele keuse. Daar is baie Symojis om van te kies, in drie katergorieë verdeel...

Smartbox Finnish

Symojit ovat animoituja hahmoja, joilla saa nopeasti viestittyä ja reagoida asioihin nopeasti. Symojin voi lisätä kirjoituksen perään ja myös pelkällä symojilla saa viestittyä tunteita ja ideoita. Symojit on jaettu 3 eri kategoriaan. Kun symojin...

Smartbox Czech

Symoji Vám umožňuje rychle vyjádřit emoce, názory či pocity pomocí animované emotikony. Použijte Symoji pro přidání významu nebo sdělení celé zprávy pomocí jednoho výběru. Je zde velké množství emotikon, ze kterých si můžete vybrat, rozdělených do...

Smartbox Danish

Symoji giver dig mulighed for hurtigt at kommunikere følelser og ideer ved hjælp af en animeret karakter. Brug Symoji til at tilføje mening eller give en hel besked med et enkelt valg. Der er masser af Symojis at vælge imellem, organiseret i tre...

Smartbox Hebrew

Symoji מאפשרים לך להביע רגשות ומחשבות בצורה מהירה באמצעות אנימציה קצרה. ניתן להשתמש ב Symoji להבהיר משפט שאמרת או להעביר מסר שלם, וכל זאת באמצעות בחירה אחת. באפשרותך להשתמש במבחר גדול של Symoji שמאורגנים בשלוש קטגוריות שמסייעות במציאת ה Symoji...

Smartbox Greek

Τα Symoji σας επιτρέπουν να επικοινωνείτε γρήγορα τα συναισθήματα, ιδέες ή αισθήματά σας χρησιμοποιώντας έναν κινούμενο χαρακτήρα. Χρησιμοποιήστε τα Symoji για να προσθέσετε νόημα ή να μεταφέρετε ένα ολόκληρο μήνυμα με μία μόνο επιλογή. Υπάρχουν...

Smartbox German

Symoji allows you to quickly communicate emotions, ideas or feelings using an animated character. Use Symoji to add meaning or convey a whole message with a single selection. There are lots of Symojis to choose from, organised into three categories...

Smartbox Italian

Symoji ti consente di comunicare rapidamente emozioni, idee o sentimenti utilizzando i personaggi animati. Usa Symoji per aggiungere significati o trasmettere un intero messaggio concentrato in una singola selezione. Ci sono molti Symoji tra cui...

Smartbox Norwegian

Symoji lar deg raskt kommunisere emojier , ideer eller følelser ved hjelp av en animert karakter. Bruk Symoji til å legge til mening eller formidle et helt budskap med et enkelt valg. Det er mange Symojis å velge mellom, organisert i tre kategorier...


Symoji allows you to quickly communicate emotions, ideas or feelings using an animated character. Use Symoji to add meaning or convey a whole message with a single selection. There are lots of Symojis to choose from, organised into three categories...

Smartbox Dutch

Symoji maakt het mogelijk om snel emoties, ideeën of gevoelens te communiceren door gebruik te maken van een geanimeerd karakter. Gebruik Symoji om betekenis toe te voegen of breng een heel bericht over met een enkele selectie. Er zijn veel Symojis...

Smartbox Portuguese

O Symoji permite comunicar emoções, ideias ou sentimentos de uma forma rápida com a utilização de uma personagem animada. Use o Symoji para reforçar um significado ou transmitir uma mensagem com uma única seleção. Existem muitos Symojis para...

Smartbox (US)

Symoji allows you to quickly communicate emotions, ideas or feelings using an animated character. Use Symoji to add meaning or convey a whole message with a single selection. There are lots of Symojis to choose from, organised into three categories...

Smartbox Spanish

Symoji te permite comunicar rápidamente emociones, ideas o sentimientos usando un personaje animado. Utiliza Symoji para añadir significado o transmitir un mensaje completo con una sola selección. Hay muchos Symojis para elegir y están organizados...

Smartbox Slovak

Symoji vám umožňuje rýchlo komunikovať prostredníctvom emócii, nápadov alebo pocitov používajúc animovanú postavičku. Použite Symoji na pridanie významu alebo sprostredkovanie celej správy jediným výberom. Existuje veľa typov Symojis, rozdelených do...

Smartbox Swedish

Symoji låter dig snabbt kommunicera uttryck, idéer eller känslor med hjälp av en animerad karaktär. Använd Symoji för att lägga till betydelse eller förmedla en hel mening med ett enda val. Det finns massor av Symojis att välja mellan, organiserade...

Smartbox Polish

Symoji pozwala szybko komunikować emocje, pomysły lub uczucia za pomocą animowanych postaci. Użyj Symoji, aby wzbogacić znaczenie lub przekazać całą wiadomość za pomocą jednego kliknięcia. Istnieje wiele Symojis do wyboru; podział na trzy kategorie...


O Symoji permite comunicar emoções, ideias ou sentimentos de uma forma rápida com a utilização de uma personagem animada. Use o Symoji para reforçar um significado ou transmitir uma mensagem com uma única seleção. Existem muitos Symojis para...

Sian 2024_03_08

Symoji allows you to quickly communicate emotions, ideas or feelings using an animated character. Use Symoji to add meaning or convey a whole message with a single selection. There are lots of Symojis to choose from, organised into three categories...


Symoji vám umožňuje rýchlo komunikovať prostredníctvom emócii, nápadov alebo pocitov používajúc animovanú postavičku. Použite Symoji na pridanie významu alebo sprostredkovanie celej správy jediným výberom. Existuje veľa typov Symojis, rozdelených do...


Symoji allows you to quickly communicate emotions, ideas or feelings using an animated character. Use Symoji to add meaning or convey a whole message with a single selection. There are lots of Symojis to choose from, organised into three categories...