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Targeting grid set - pop music

This grid set is created by ATtherapy. It consists of short video clips of pop songs aiming to develop targetting skills. This grid set can be useful to develop different access skills including eye gaze, switch and touch access in a motivating way....

TarHeel Game Play
AAC Bethany

Grid set to access Tar Heel Gameplay, a collection of free, easy-to-play, and accessible games. The games play a YouTube video which stop at various points and clients must use their switch to continue the video. Questions/Comments/Requests...

TarHeel Game Play

Grid set to access Tar Heel Gameplay, a collection of free, easy-to-play, and accessible games. The games play a YouTube video which stop at various points and clients must use their switch to continue the video. Questions/Comments/Requests...

Tarheel Gameplay Adapted Books
AAC Bethany

LAST UPDATED: December 16, 2021 A collection of video books adapted in Tarheel Gameplay allowing AAC users to independently "turn the page" to continue the story. New books will be loaded each month, so check back to this Gridset...

Tarheel Gameplay Adapted CHRISTMAS Books
AAC Bethany

LAST UPDATED: December 16, 2021 A collection of video books adapted in Tarheel Gameplay allowing AAC users to independently "turn the page" to continue the story. Be sure to check out my other "Tarheel Gameplay Adapted Books" gridset for...


Actividad para favorecer la alfabetización emergente. Disfruta escribiendo tu tarjeta, decorándola y enviándola a quien elijas. La actividad tiene que ser divertida pero con un propósito comunicativo claro, que queda enmarcado en el acto de...

Delaktig i Ögonblicket

Olika tärningar: En tärning, två tärningar och en färgtärning. OBS: Storleken på på tärningen kan behöva justeras beroende på skärmstorlek. Markera tärningen och klicka på stil --> storlek. Framtagen av Dart Kommunikations- och...

Task strip

Kent School District: Simple 3-step task with cut, match, and glue

Tastatur (2 tryk, små bogstaver)

Tastatur med store taster og god kontrast. Farvevalget kan let ændres. Gridlayoutet indeholder ordforslag, kalibrering af øjenstyring samt andre indstillingsmuligheder. Udarbejdet i samarbejde med Henrik Nesjan @ Roskilde

Tastatur med SMS og e-post

Qwerty tastatur med enkel tilgang til e-post og SMS.

Tastatur med SMS og e-post

Qwerty tastatur med enkel tilgang til e-post og SMS.

Tastatur store taster
Lasse Uth

Tastatur der er delt ind i 3 tastaturområder. Velegnet til mennesker der har svært ved at ramme små taster, og/eller ikke har syn til at se et normalt tastatur. Tastaturet kan indstilles til at blive på tastatursiden efter valgt bogstav, eller...

tastiera a gruppi

An interactive E-Tran frame.

Tastiera elio


La Nostra Famiglia

Tastiera semplificata solo lettere maiuscole.

La Nostra Famiglia

Tastiera semplificata solo lettere maiuscole.

Tauno-koira - kosketus
Smartbox Finnish

See how Dilbert responds when you give him sausages, a ball, a bone… or a spider! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills....

Tayvin's Superpages

Phrase-based vocabulary set designed to increase social interaction and communicative motivation for a young male.

TC Alpha Core

TC Alpha Core

TC YouTube Grid

TC youtube grid produced 10.7.23

TCC book choices 1
TCC trial

Created by The Communication Clinic Speech Pathology services

TCC My Communication Dictionary AW

A Communication Dictionary is way to help all communication partners understand unconventional and individualized forms of communication, so the communication partner can interpret them correctly and respond to the communicator's intent.

TCC My Communication Dictionary template

A Communication Dictionary is way to help all communication partners understand unconventional and individualized forms of communication, so the communication partner can interpret them correctly and respond to the communicator's intent.