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Todd June 21 Edits
Sue Hart

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Todos no sofá
Marta Soares

Teclado com vídeo, história, tabela de comunicação, sons dos animais, contagens, ler e escrever palavras simples e completar frases.

Toilet schedule

Create your own schedule by entering details into the boxes.

Toiletting schedule wees
Rachel Kelly

Create your own schedule by entering details into the boxes.


Ukázková mřížka, kterou lze personalizovat - základní informace o uživateli. Dobře vypadá na iPadu. Tom je ovšem jen fiktivní chlapec. Vytvořil Barney Hawes.

Tom Yes No Board

This is a switch oerated yes - no scanning grid writen to get a young brain injured patient used to switch controlled scanning. It has visual and spoken audio feedback while scanning.


Tonedawg Craig Hospital

Tony Fast Talker
Eye Gaze

Fast Talker is a complete solution for literate users, with apps for fast text communication, message banking, SMS, email, browsing the web and much more. You can also use the Servus Environment Control resources, and get full access to Windows with...

Topic Grids

A topic based vocabulary for beginning AAC users. On each topic grid, users can build simple sentences from one or two selections, using sentence starters and topic words. Grid size is 6x3


Top choices

Touch 2
Madlene Becker

01.2010 Grid2 -1b Kommunikationsfläche für Erwaschene - Touch

Touch frequency keyboard
Smartbox - The Grid 2

This grid has the alphabet for typing, and is designed for touch screen users. The letters are in alphabetical order. The rows have been split so that most of the commonly required letters are on the left hand side, near the prediction cells, to...

Touch screen access 35 cell version

Touch-Screen target practice for Grid Player. Touch targets to see if screen areas are difficult or eeasy to access. Nice and simple concept with 35 cells. More versions to come based upon different vocab packages.

Touchchat 60 Coreboard

Matches TouchChat 60 with fringe words for emotions and locations around the school.

Smartbox - The Grid 2

This is a grid set for typing with the new TouchType writing in The Grid 2.