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Core 12
Devin Keskeys

Emerging Communicator, black/yellow contrast

core 50 custom

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Core Board Cordata 2
Marie Beaver

Core Board that matches the arrangement (as much as possible)of the home page of Touch Chat Word Power Basic 60.

Core Words - 15
Control Bionics Eye Gaze

Super Core 30 core words only

CoreWord™ 20
WinSlate Dashboard

CoreWord™ 20 (v2.0) - A 5x4 grid set with emphasis on core word usage. Allows for spontaneous utterance generation, and utilizes predictive linking to increase efficiency. Supports use of language for multiple functions, including: commenting;...

CoreWord™ 6
WinSlate Dashboard

CoreWord™ 6 (v2.0) - A 3x2 grid set ideal for emergent communicators or those who require larger buttons. Incorporates functional sentence starters (e.g., "I want", "Let's play"). Predictive links encourage fast, independent communication....

CoreWord™ 6

CoreWord™ 6 (v2.0) - A 3x2 grid set ideal for emergent communicators or those who require larger buttons. Incorporates functional sentence starters (e.g., "I want", "Let's play"). Predictive links encourage fast, independent communication....


WordPower 25 by Nancy Inman combines the features of core vocabulary, spelling and word prediction. Complex sentences can be generated quickly and efficiently using core words, suggested next words, smart grammar and dynamically linked pages....

Corey Symbol A

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home, and Therapy use.

Counting Symoji
Smartbox Academy - Workshop

You will be given a number and then 9 images which contain different numbers of Symoji. Match the number to the correct image that contains that number of Symoji.

Creative Writing Toolkit
Grid for Schools US

Inspire and support creative writing with a variety of prompts and tools designed to ignite imagination and develop writing skills.

Custom 9 Choices YT

Jasmine from Kent School District: Simplified YouTube grid set with direct play video links. Home cells will link to a single video to auto play. Play grid has stop/ play options for control and Rest button for Eye Gaze

cvi isd homebound

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

CVI Power Pages w Link
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Streamlined activity gridset to allow access practice with low cognitive load. Option to change to more robust gridset for language learning and practice.

CVI Trial
Jim Engracia

Simple CVI Trial page


Core words go and stop

CW more less

core words more and less

CW not want

core words not and want

CW you I

core words you and I

Cy’s Gridset

A text communication grid set optimised for touch screen users, for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a...



Cyrus Youtube

Cyrus 6/20



Daily life - Visual support interactive to do list

A visual behaviour support to help plan, request assistance with, and keep track of completion of common activities of daily living (ADL). It uses word lists, so clicking the items adds them to the bar at the bottom. From there, one at a time can be...

Daily Schedule
Smartbox Academy - Workshop

In this grid, individuals are presented with a daily schedule featuring six activities. They can mark each task as completed using checkboxes below.

Dark Text Talker

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...