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MGP 2023
Morten jacobsen

Så er der nyt MGP23 layout med alle sangene i en simpel afspiller. Så' der fest!! Lavet af Morten Jacobsen, Kommunikationscentret i Hillerød. (virker også på iPad)

Microsoft Office and Windows
Peter Palmer

A full functionality Grid 3 gridset for use with Microsoft Office and Windows 10 including Microsoft Edge and File Explorer. The gridset has been designed to leave maximum screen space for the applications whilst still providing full access to...

Microsoft Ultimate Word Games
Martin Page

This Grid Set has been created to control the Microsoft Ultimate Word Games app. Unfortunately it is not possible to control all the features of the app, using keyboard shortcuts. So I have included a mouse control button on the grid. You can...

Minds Eye - Grid 3

Mind's Eye - Grid 3. (iOS users please search for 'Mind's Eye - Grid for iPad') Mind's Eye is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create images to help you better express what you think and feel. Type a short description of your desired...

Minecraft - EyeMine
Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning startar EyeMine och Minecraft JAVA Edition. Dessa program behöver vara installerade för att anpassningen ska fungera. Mer information finns på sidan som skapat EyeMine.


Underholdende spil med timevis af udfordring. Kan benyttes af både kontakt-, touch-, og øjenstyringsbrugere. ver. 1.2 @ A/S Aabentoft

Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A gift from Grid! A grid set allowing you to play the classic Windows Minesweeper game.


Valteri Ruskiksen toteuttamat AACi-taulustot ovat AACi-kansioiden käyttöperiaatteita ja visuaalista ilmettä mukailevia helppokäyttöisiä taivuttavia sisältöjä. AACi:t Hyödyntävät DialoQ-taivuttimen ominaisuuksia, jolla yksittäiset sanat muodostavat...

Minimera Grid 3
Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning minimerar Grid 3 till en väldigt liten ikon. Placeringen av ikonen går att anpassa. Gör detta via redigering och fliken "Sida" sedan ändra possition.

Money Activities
Kaitlin M

Money Matching Activities


Monopoly board game- This is to be played in conjunction with the board game. It is to assist play.

Monstro das cores
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Ler a história "O monstro das cores" e Jogo de perguntas de interpretação sobre a história. Criada por Rita Varela - 2022 UTAAC/CRPCCG

La Fábrica de Palabras

Adaptación del cuento monstruo patas arriba de Agnese Baruzzi. Adaptación realizada para personas con movilidad reducida que no pueden interactuar con el cuento físico, favoreciendo así el uso y convencionalismo que acompaña a la lectura de cuentos...

Skye Hope

Skye morning app

Morning Check In English and Welsh
Leigh Wharton

Good Morning / Feeling board in English and Welsh

Mosca Fosca

Ver um vídeo de forma acessível e inclusiva.

Mother's Day Activities

A fun and accessible grid set all about Mother's Day. It includes two learning grids with different cell sizes, featuring core and fringe vocabulary to encourage communication about Mother's Day. There are also two great activities to help make a...

Mouse control

This Gridset display's a track status window and set's the mouse control so that it works with games such as Look to Learn. To operate this gridset, simply launch it from Grid Explorer and the Track status will be shown in the top left hand side...

Irisbond DE

En esta cuadrícula encontrarás las aplicaciones necesarias para el control de tu teléfono móvil: Teléfono, SMS y Whatsapp. Para más información, contacta con Irisbond en el correo o en el teléfono +34 943 496 622

Mr Potato Head
Saskia spraakterapie

A two page communication board - vocabulary related to Mr Potato Head - Translated into Afrikaans and tweaked (Original in English (UK)

Multimodal Book Choice Set EyeGaze Switch Access
Rebecca Cunneen

Links to different multimodal books on Youtube, similar to barefoot books. For self-selected reading.

Música - Sequência

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Jesper Picomed

The Soundbox grid set enables anyone who uses Grid 3 to start making some music. It is made up of three fun activities that can be controlled using any type of alternative access, including touch, switch and eye gaze. The activities are designed...

Filip Szafarz

Album wyświetlający zawartość folderu Moja Muzyka. Kilka wersji w zależności od sposobu obsługi komputera (przyciski, urządzenie obsługujące gałki oczne, mysz, itp) Wszelkie uwagi mile widziane:

My alphabet book template high contrast

This simple alphabet book template enables you to add your own text and pictures/photos to create an alphabet book with personally meaningful words. It is a simple layout with two buttons. One button reads the text and the second button turns the...

My First Book of Birds Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First book of Birds' illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support; write...

My First Book of Minibeasts Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First Book of Minibeasts', illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support;...

My First Book of Sea Creatures Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First Book of Sea Creatures' illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support;...

My First Book of Woodland Animals Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'My First Book of Woodland Animals', illustrated by Zoe Ingram. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of...