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Smartbox Catalan

Entra al vestuari màgic per escollir una disfressa i balla amb la música. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de presa de decisions. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge Interactives estan dissenyades per ser motivants...

Disney Commenting
Petar Tica

A grid created with the purpose of being a scaffold towards the Super Core 30 and 50 grid sets. It features songs from Frozen, Moana and The Little Mermaid which can be changed depending on the user's motivation. The grid uses some simple core...

Disney Plus
Noah Callan

Watch Disney Plus with pointer, eye gaze and switches!

Disney Plus - Groot Sel
Smartbox Afrikaans

Kyk na jou gunsteling reekse en flieks op die Disney Plus stroomdiens. Blaai, soek of gaan direk na jou kyklys om te kies wat jy soek, sit terug en geniet! Benodig 'n aktiewe Disney Plus subskripsie. v1.0

Disney Plus - Large Cell

Watch your favourite shows and movies on the Disney Plus video streaming service. Browse, search or go to your watchlist to choose what you want, then sit back and enjoy! Requires an active Disney Plus subscription. v1.0

Disney Plus - Large Cell
Smartbox (AUS)

Watch your favourite shows and movies on the Disney Plus video streaming service. Browse, search or go to your watchlist to choose what you want, then sit back and enjoy! Requires an active Disney Plus subscription. v1.0

Disney Plus - Large Cell
Smartbox (CA)

Watch your favourite shows and movies on the Disney Plus video streaming service. Browse, search or go to your watchlist to choose what you want, then sit back and enjoy! Requires an active Disney Plus subscription. v1.0

Disney Plus - Large Cell
Smartbox (US)

Watch your favourite shows and movies on the Disney Plus video streaming service. Browse, search or go to your watchlist to choose what you want, then sit back and enjoy! Requires an active Disney Plus subscription. v1.0

Disney SVO
Kelly SALT

SVO grid- colourful semantics Disney Princesses

Disney Targeting

A simple program which displays disney videos, the child targeting different areas of the screen for the video. The stimulus will get smaller and smaller as the program continues.

Disney Targeting 2

A simple targeting game with Disney Films, Sing! and Sofia the First where symbols move to assess if the user is capable of looking at different areas of the screen and will become smaller to see what symbol size is most accessible. Created by Petar...

Disney vs Trees 2

A simple targeting game with Disney Films and Trees where the user has to choose between trees and Disney clips - Ensuring that the user is making a purposeful choice. Made by Petar Tica

Disney vs Trees Daisy

A simple targeting game with Disney Films and 2 choices of Trees where the user has to choose between trees and Disney clips - Ensuring that the user is making a purposeful choice. Made by Petar Tica

Divisão silábica - 2023
CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Ordenar as sílabas para escrever a palavra. CRPCCG 2023 - T.F. André Santos

Divisões da casa
CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Identificar e associar imagens às diferentes divisões da casa (casa de banho, quarto, cozinha e sala de estar)

Divoký západ - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Hej kovboji! Sme na Divokom západe, tak pozor na strielajúceho šerifa, hrajúci kaktus a ďalšie zaujímavosti. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú...

Divoký západ - dotyk
Smartbox Czech

Hej kovbojové! Jsme na Divokém západě, tak pozor na střílejícího šerifa, hrající kaktus a další zajímavosti. Tyto sady mřížek pomáhají při výuce principu příčiny a následku i v budování jazykových dovedností. Aktivity Interaktivního učení jsou...


Koristiti kameru

Djungel - Touch
Smartbox Swedish

The jungle scene is full of wildlife waiting to be discovered. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The...

Jesper Picomed

Visuell scen: Djungelljud, bilder på diverse djungeldjur och deras läte som "Hot spots".

DL comedy clips

Simple two cell grid.

DL comedy grid 2

DL comedy grid with red and green background.

DL family chat grid

DL family chat grid uploaded 27.05.24