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PODD 15+ School

PODD is based on the paper templates for the Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication book. It parallels the one-page PODDs with expanded functions. The grid set development has been checked, modified and amended at every step...

PODD 15+ School

Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences....

PODD 15+ School - Eye Gaze

Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences....

PODD 15+ School - Eye Gaze
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences....

PODD 15+ School (Column Row Aud Scan)
TalkLink Trust

Modified by TalkLink Trust for one or two switch scanners using column row auditory scanning. A speak button has been added to pages so that you can skip over the writing window each row. To do this: go to Settings > Access > Switches >...

PODD 15+ School (PHS-direct)

Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences....

PODD 15+ School LC
Deirdre McLaughlin

Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences....

PODD 15+ School-IG
Control Bionics NeuroNode 3.0 (Scanning)

Designed for children starting to combine words into longer sentences, or those needing symbols to support their understanding of language. PODD 15+ allows children and their communication partners to create more grammatically complete sentences....

PODD 15+ Skole
Smartbox Danish

Designet til børn, der begynder at kombinere ord i længere sætninger eller dem, der har brug for symboler for at understøtte deres sprogforståelse. PODD 15+ giver børn og deres kommunikationspartnere mulighed for at oprette mere grammatisk korrekte...

PODD 15+ Skole - øjenstyring
Smartbox Danish

Designet til børn, der begynder at kombinere ord i længere sætninger eller dem, der har brug for symboler for at understøtte deres sprogforståelse. PODD 15+ giver børn og deres kommunikationspartnere mulighed for at oprette mere grammatisk korrekte...

PODD 15+ with audio column scan
Kathleen Kasberg

PODD is based on the paper templates for the Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication book. It parallels the one-page PODDs with expanded functions. The grid set development has been checked, modified and amended at every step...

PODD 60 Complex Syntax

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. When any verb is selected a...

PODD 60 Complex Syntax
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. When any verb is selected a...

PODD 60 Complex Syntax - Eye Gaze

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. When any verb is selected a...

PODD 60 Complex Syntax - Eye Gaze
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. When any verb is selected a...

PODD 60 Expanded Keyword

PODD is based on the paper templates for the Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication book, created by speech pathologist Gayle Porter. With vocabulary organised in the two-page opening 70 and two-page opening with a side panel...

PODD 60 Expanded Keyword

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. Verb morphology cells for...

PODD 60 Expanded Keyword
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. Verb morphology cells for...

PODD 60 Expanded Keyword
Penelope Widholm

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. Verb morphology cells for...

PODD 60 Expanded Keyword - Eye Gaze

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. Verb morphology cells for...

PODD 60 Expanded Keyword - Eye Gaze
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed to support more grammatically complex language, using sentence starters, core words, and morphology. Whole words and symbols are used in this grid set, alongside spelling and word prediction to support literacy. Verb morphology cells for...

PODD 60 Preview

This is a preview version of the PODD 60 grid set to allow you to view and try the grid lay out on your device. It is not a tool to evaluate the PODD language organisation. This preview version does not include the full vocabulary and the greyed out...

PODD 60 Prøveversion
Smartbox Danish

Dette er en prøveversion af elektronisk PODD 60, så du kan se og prøve Grid layoutet på din enhed. Denne prøveversion er ikke et værktøj til at evaluere elektronisk PODD. Det inkluderer ikke det fulde ordforråd, og de gråtonede celler taler ikke...

PODD 60 Udvidede nøgleord
Smartbox Danish

Designet til et mere kompleks sprog med brug af sætningsstartere, kerneordforråd og morfologi. Hele ord og symboler bruges sammen med stavning og ordforslag for at understøtte læsefærdigheden. Herunder bøjning af udsagnsordets forskellige tider....

PODD 60 Udvidede nøgleord - øjenstyring
Smartbox Danish

Designet til et mere kompleks sprog med brug af sætningsstartere, kerneordforråd og morfologi. Hele ord og symboler bruges sammen med stavning og ordforslag for at understøtte læsefærdigheden. Herunder bøjning af udsagnsordets forskellige tider....

Podiatry - Social Story

A simple social story to support users to understand what to expect from a visit from the podiatrist.


This grid set is designed to demonstrate how Grid can be used to support learners who need support through scheduling and sequencing. This is a sample grid set.


Poesía de Navidad lee las frases y muestra los pictos