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Simple keyboard

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

Simple keyboard - Touch

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

Simple keyboard - Touch
Aarnav Sharma

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

Simple keyboard (2)
Speak for Yourself, LLC 2021_06_21-1

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

Simple phonics keyboard
english 2022

Simple phonics keyboard - hear phonics sounds as you type, and hear word read to you once complete.

Simple Powerful Pageset

Tracy without an E

Simple QWERTY keyboard
english 2022

Simple QWERTY keyboard for use in Symbol Talker A and B

Simple QWERTY keyboard

Simple QWERTY keyboard for use in Symbol Talker A and B

Simple Story Boards
Amy Jackson

ATtherapy - Simple Story Boards

Simple Talking Album - Grid 3
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Simple Talking Photo Albums has been updated for Grid 3. They are examples of how you can use wordlists to create simple photo albums that will speak when you click on the picture.

Simple Video Player
Control Bionics Eye Gaze

Video links from Access Youtube:

Simple Yes No Scanner
John G

This is a switch oerated yes - no scanning grid writen to get a young brain injured patient used to switch controlled scanning. It has visual and spoken audio feedback while scanning.

Simple Yes No Scanner
Amanda Bonjour

This is a switch oerated yes - no scanning grid writen to get a young brain injured patient used to switch controlled scanning. It has visual and spoken audio feedback while scanning.

Simple Yes No Scanner

This is a switch oerated yes - no scanning grid writen to get a young brain injured patient used to switch controlled scanning. It has visual and spoken audio feedback while scanning.

Simplifed access youtube
Keira Smartbox

Reduced cells and only one link to choose

Simplifed access youtube
Smartbox Academy

This grid set uses Word ist cells to add content. Enlarged cells with less on the grid results in easier navigation and only one link to choose from. Be specific about what is written in the Word list cell.

Simplified Emotion Sentences
Amy Jackson

ATtherapy - simplified emotions

singalong barefoot
tracey press

Example of how specific youtube videos can be played in Grid 3

single target minion

Single target gridset requiring localisation for learning targeting skills. For low-cognition eye-tracking-technology users, consider starting with dwell at about 1 second with progress marker feedback to draw reflexive gaze but then upgrading to...

Sioe Ffasiwn - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

Choose your make up, style your hair and put one some fancy clothes… then it’s time for the catwalk! This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key...



Sjön - Touch
Smartbox Swedish

Down by the lake you’ll find wildlife, a boat and even a train as you explore this scene. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Sjov på søen
Smartbox Danish

Nede ad søen finder du dyreliv, en båd og endda et tog imens at du udforsker scenen. Dette Grid Layout udvikler tidlige evner til årsag-virkning samt kommunikation. Interaktive læringsaktiviteter er designet for at være motiverende og sjove imens...

skal vi ikke lave en snemand

er du vild med sne, så er det her sidesæt måske noget for dig. det rummer ord så du kan være med til at bygge en snemand og sammen med dine venner eller andre bestemme hvordan den skal se ud. og sige hvad su syntes og spørge hvad de syntes. jeg er...

skal vi lege kongen befaler

Kongen befaler er bygget op ligesom den traditionelle leg "Simon siger", hvor der er en der siger hvad de andre i legen skal gøre. Dette Grid layout giver brugeren mulighed for at være den der styrer legen og deltagerne vil kunne opleve at brugeren...