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Dilbert the Dog - Touch
Smartbox (US)

See how Dilbert responds when you give him sausages, a ball, a bone… or a spider! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills....

Dilbert the Dog Core
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

See how Dilbert responds when you give him sausages, a ball, a bone… or a spider! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills....

Dilbert the Dog Core - with Rest
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

The wonderful Dilbert the Dog with the addition of core vocabulary to support communication around the activity. Implementation notes are also included for the facilitator. See how Dilbert responds when you give him sausages, a ball, a bone… or a...

Dilbert txakurra

Ikusi nola erantzuten duen Dilbertek saltxitxak, baloia, hezurra edo armiarma bat ematen diozunean! Gelaxka pakete honek kausa eta ondorio gaitasuna garatzen laguntzen du. Ikasketa interaktiboko jarduerak motibagarriak eta dibertigarriak izateko...

Dilyn Dilys by Stephen Cartwright
Leigh Wharton

In order to use this grid set you will need to purchase a copy of Dilyn Dilys by Stephen Cartwright. Symbols to support the book Dilyn Dilys by Stephen Cartwright. Link to a Youtube video containing the story.

CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Reconhecer o dinheiro e associar ao valor solicitado.

dinner menu Autumn 2
class 3

A topic based vocabulary for users who may have a developing awareness of how sentences are constructed. Topic grids allow users to build multi-part sentences from two or more selections. Grid size is 7x4

Sónia Assunção

Visita ao Dino Parque da Lourinhã

Dinosaur Maze
Barney Hawes - Smartbox

Can you find your way through the dinosaur maze and avoid the prehistoric beasts?

Nanda Devi

Dinosaur page for a CENMAC school

Dinosaurs GLP
SALT Jersey

Dinosaurs Gestalt Language Processor

Yvonne Clarke

Simple directions grid

Discriminação fonémica e escrita de palavras com X, CH, J ou G
CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Identificação e discriminação fonémica. Associação fonema-grafema. Casos de leitura.



Discriminación de números 1 al 5

Discriminar números 1al 5

Discurso Amapolas
Aníbal Oliva

Discurso Anibal Oliva


Entra en el vestuario mágico para elegir un disfraz y luego baila con la música. Este paquete de cuadrículas ayuda a desarrollar habilidades tempranas de toma de decisiones. Las actividades de Aprendizaje Interactivo están diseñadas para ser...

Smartbox Catalan

Entra al vestuari màgic per escollir una disfressa i balla amb la música. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de presa de decisions. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge Interactives estan dissenyades per ser motivants...

Disney cinderella story book
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Disney book

Disney Commenting
Petar Tica

A grid created with the purpose of being a scaffold towards the Super Core 30 and 50 grid sets. It features songs from Frozen, Moana and The Little Mermaid which can be changed depending on the user's motivation. The grid uses some simple core...

Disney Films and Characters
Speechie Leonie

This Symbol Talker B grid includes the following Disney films and characters: - Frozen - Tangled - Shrek - Finding Nemo - Peter Pan - Tinker Bell - Disney Princess More films will be added in the coming months.

Disney Plus
Noah Callan

Watch Disney Plus with pointer, eye gaze and switches!

Disney snow white
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Disney book

Disney SVO
Kelly SALT

SVO grid- colourful semantics Disney Princesses

Disney video choices with vocab
Jess Wright - Smartbox

A user where users can play some of their favourite videos - with vocabulary to play video again, different video, finish activity.