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Escolhe o objecto igual
Anabela Caiado-exp e fazer

Iniciação ao computador e conceito de igual.


"Escollir" és un senzill conjunt de quadrícules que pot fer-se servir com una activitat o com a exemple per a crear quadrícules amb cel·les de vocabulari i cel·les de salt.

essai 11.03

Bavard est un vocabulaire de communication pour les personnes ayant besoin des symboles pour identifier les mots. Les mots courants sont affichés sur la page principale, avec des liens permettant d'accéder à plus de vocabulaire stocké dans des...

essai 3

Bavard est un vocabulaire de communication pour les personnes ayant besoin des symboles pour identifier les mots. Les mots courants sont affichés sur la page principale, avec des liens permettant d'accéder à plus de vocabulaire stocké dans des...

Sandrine Oger Arditi

Dynamic Screen Starter is a simple communication vocabulary for symbol users. These grids provide a structured starting point for developing a larger, personalised communication system.

Sandrine Oger Arditi

Dynamic Screen Starter is a simple communication vocabulary for symbol users. These grids provide a structured starting point for developing a larger, personalised communication system.

Katie McCaughey

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Barney Hawes Smartbox

An interactive E-Tran frame.

E-tran printable
Neil Hansen

This Simple Grid allows you to print an E-tran frame. See built-in grid instructions for how to do it. Just remember to set your default Printer in User Settings.

Every Kid is Different
Online Grid Bundles

A 2x2 story grid. Author and Illustrator: c Helen Thornhill 2006 with thanks to Scope and Select the small picture to hear the narration, turn the page with the arrow and rest on the text and larger pictures that are...

Ewer Court 1

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Eye gaze - two step assessment vocab
Cat Onlinegrids

This is an edited version of Symbol Talker A - amended for eye gaze and based around activities that can be carried out in assessment sessions. Users needs to be able to cope with up to 24 cells per page.

Eye Gaze Assessment
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A set of grids designed to assist with eye gaze assessments. Activities include target practice, assessment keyboards and sample symbol communication boards.

Eye Gaze mouse control
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

This Grid set has been designed as a plug in to provide support for mouse use with either eye gaze or head pointer.

Eye Gaze Plug-In
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A plugin grid for people using eye gaze, providing track status window and dwell time settings.

Eye Gaze Sectors
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This user has been designed with an eyegaze user in mind, to try and make access easier. The vocabulary has been broken up into 4 groups when a user picks a certain group they will then jump to a page that will have that vocabulary on. These...

Eyegaze Target Chelsea
The Children's Trust

Targets get progressively smaller and at random locations on screen

Eyegaze Target Liverpool
The Children's Trust

targets get progressively smaller and at random locations on the screen

fACCt mit Kölner Kern-,Randvokabular
Ursula Anzi

Seit der Veröffentlichung des Kern-,Randvokabulars der UNI Köln habe ich an der HPS Frick(Schweiz) mit dem Kölner Ordner gearbeitet und immer wieder versucht eine elektronische Variante zu erstellen. Mit dem fACCt ist es mir, glaube ich ganz gut...


Ett sidpaket för Facebook, ger användare enkel tillgång till nyheter, meddelanden, inbox, profil och vänner. Du behöver en Internetanslutning för att alla funktioner ska fungera..

Facebook (es)

Es una cuadrícula para uso conjunto con Facebook, dando a los usuarios un acceso sencillo a su servicio de noticias, buzón de entrada, el perfil y amigos. Tenga en cuenta que se necesita una conexión rápida a Internet para que todas las...

Facebook CZ

Sada mřížek pro používání s Facebookem - umožňuje jednoduchý přístup k funkcím Facebooku. Pro správné fungování všech nastavených možností Facebooku je nutné rychlé internetové připojení.Přeložený set od Smartbox.

Farmer Duck Storybook. Simple 2 Cells
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Farmer Duck book

Fast Talker
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Fast Talker is a new text communication system for use with The Grid 2. It features our Touch Type text input system that works in a similar way to mobile phone. Fast Talker is suitable for use with literate users and is a very good option for those...

Fast talker 15 cell
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Fast Talker 15 cell uses our Touch Type prediction system for typing that works in a similar way to mobile phone predictive text. Music player and word processor are also included. The 15 cell version provides faster text entry for users able to...

Fast Talker 2
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access...

Fast Talker 2

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access to...

Fast Talker 2
Carol Leynse harpold

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access to...