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Przykładowy użytkownik programu The Grid 2. Zawiera zestaw plansz do komunikacji, planszę umożliwiającą przeglądanie internetu oraz plansze umożliwiające, na przykład, wybór przedmiotów potrzebnych w szkole czy potraw na śniadanie.


Przykładowy użytkownik programu The Grid 2. Zawiera zestaw plansz do komunikacji, planszę umożliwiającą przeglądanie internetu oraz plansze umożliwiające, na przykład, wybór przedmiotów potrzebnych w szkole czy potraw na śniadanie.

T-4 Keyboard
Peter Prowald

Unser schnelles Raster T4 vergleichbar T9 nur schneller. Ideal zum nutzen mit Augensteuerung und SMS.


Textmitteilungen sind eine beliebte Handyfunktion, um kurze Nachrichten auf die Schnelle zu übermitteln. Das mehrfache Drücken der Tasten kann das Verfassen von Textmitteilungen jedoch verlangsamen. T4 ist eine Worterkennungsstrategie, die das...

T9 Keyboard Eye Tracking
FRS Custom Solutions

Similar to cell phones, the T9 keyboard offers fast word generation while using only a few cells. For example, a single cell represents several different letters and as the user makes selections, the software intelligently sorts through the...

Bradstow School

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

tabla de multiplicar del 3 (es)

Este paquete de la red fue añadido por Pam Smart, y comprueba que el alumno conoce la tabla de multiplicar del 3. Utiliza el espacio de trabajo de procesador de textos para que el trabajo se pueda imprimir. Esta cuadrícula está basada en el...

tabla de multiplicar del 4

Este paquete de la red fue añadido por Pam Smart, y comprueba que el alumno conoce la tabla de multiplicar del 4. Utiliza el espacio de trabajo de procesador de textos para que el trabajo se pueda imprimir. Esta cuadrícula está basada en el...

tabla de multiplicar del 5

Este paquete de la red fue añadido por Pam Smart, y comprueba que el alumno conoce la tabla de multiplicar del 5. Utiliza el espacio de trabajo de procesador de textos para que el trabajo se pueda imprimir. Esta cuadrícula está basada en el...

Ana Londral

A grid set built to touchscreen communication. Grids are for Portuguese (pt).

tabulka denis

Symbol Talker - Komunikace pomocí symbolů A - je rozsáhlý slovník pro uživatele, kteří chtějí komunikovat pomocí symbolů. Má stránky pro vyjádření názoru stejně jako například stránky pro školu, domov a terapii.

Talande Fotografier

Det här är ett fotobibliotek för personer som kan ha svårt att hitta rätt ord på substantiv som de vill använda.

Talande Fotografier

This user is a picture dictionary, allowing people who may have problems with certain nouns find the word they want to use. To identify the words we have used the new SNAPs library of pictures rather than drawn symbols to help it appeal more to...

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description enabled.

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description enabled....

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with no AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description disabled.

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with no AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with no AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description disabled....

Talk Talk (Huawei) block scan with no AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to block scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with no AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with no AD
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with no AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses GEWA commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...

Talk Talk (Huawei) column row scan with no AD (HC)
Beaumont College

This grid bundle is for the control of the YouView box from a Grid 2 based device. This grid bundle is for the Talk Talk (Huawei) box, and uses USBUIRT commands. The scanning in this grid bundle is set to column row scan and has audio description...