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Eye Gaze mouse control
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

This Grid set has been designed as a plug in to provide support for mouse use with either eye gaze or head pointer.

Eye Gaze Plug-In
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A plugin grid for people using eye gaze, providing track status window and dwell time settings.

Eye Gaze Sectors
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This user has been designed with an eyegaze user in mind, to try and make access easier. The vocabulary has been broken up into 4 groups when a user picks a certain group they will then jump to a page that will have that vocabulary on. These...

EyeControl Full

This is a grid set which has been made to follow the pre defined communication options that is installed on the EyeControl device straight out of the box. It has been made for use with 4 way switch elimination within the grid 3 setting and this will...

Eyegaze - Alpha Core
Katerina - Eyegaze Inc.

Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...

Eyegaze settings and Help Videos.
Training - Grid 3

copy this page into an eyegaze users grid set for simple access to the settings for staff and caregivers. This Gridset includes a link to the Smartbox learning resource training videos.

Eyegaze Target Chelsea
The Children's Trust

Targets get progressively smaller and at random locations on screen

Eyegaze Target Liverpool
The Children's Trust

targets get progressively smaller and at random locations on the screen

Face mask

Face mask therapy activity

Filip Szafarz

Facebook dla użytkowników AAC w wersji na obsługę przy pomocy gałek ocznych oraz z zastosowaniem przycisków. Kontakt:


Accessible app for the world’s most popular social network. Connect with friends and post directly from Grid - including photos and emojis. Keep in touch with friends via Facebook Messenger. Posts, comments and messages can all be read aloud....

Facebook - 2 Step Eye 2022

Checked and working 2022. This updated version of Facebook allows for direct importing into my 'Fast Talker 3 - 2 Step Eye' gridset. Updated June 2022 to be compatible with the redesigned Facebook web site. Based on SmartBox's new Facebook...

Facebook - Swe
Jesper Picomed

Detta är en tillgänglig app för världens mest poppulära sociala nätverk. Kom i kontakt med vänner och bekanta, skriv inlägg direkt från Grid - använd foton, emojis m.m. Håll kontakten med vänner via Messenger. Inlägg, kommentarer och meddelanden kan...

Facebook GR

Προσβάσιμη εφαρμογή για το πιο δημοφιλές κοινωνικό δίκτυο στον κόσμο. Συνδεθείτε με φίλους και δημοσιεύστε απευθείας από το Grid - συμπεριλαμβανομένων φωτογραφιών και emoji. Μείνετε σε επαφή με φίλους μέσω του Facebook Messenger. Όλες οι...


Facebook para Todos

Farmer Duck Storybook. Simple 2 Cells
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Farmer Duck book

Fast Talker

Die Kommunikationsstrategie Fast Talker ist eine Komplettlösung für die schriftbasierte Nutzung, mit Funktionen für eine schnelle Text-Kommunikation, Nachrichten-Speicherung, SMS, E-Mail, Internet und vieles mehr. Ebenfalls enthalten sind die...

Fast Talker - 2 step Eye 2022

Updated for 2022. This gridset is based on Smartbox's Fast Talker. This template has been modified so all grid pages have 5 columns & 4 rows - providing larger cells for access while still offering full functionality. Fast Talker has been fully...

Fast Talker - Große Felder

Fast Talker Große Felder hat die gleichen Funktionen wie Fast Talker und ist für Benutzer gedacht, die größere Zellen in jedem Rasterset benötigen. Es beinhaltet eine frequenzbasierte Tastatur, die Buchstaben in zwei Rasterseiten aufteilt, wobei...

Fast Talker - Stora Rutor
Jesper Picomed

Fast Talker Stora Rutor har samma funktioner som Fast Talker och är till för personer som behöver större träffyta. Tangentborden bygger på frekvensordning och är uppdelade på två sidor. Detta är en komplett anpassning för textanvändare med...

Fast Talker + Join-In Pro - Eyegaze
תמיכה דיבור

This gridset has integrated access to Join-In Pro apps . Users can easily open apps from their Fast Talker as well as send text to the various Join-In apps for messaging, searching and for translation. This version is compatible with eye gaze...

Fast Talker + Join-In Pro - not eyegaze
תמיכה דיבור

This gridset has integrated access to Join-In Pro apps . Users can easily open apps from their Fast Talker as well as send text to the various Join-In apps for messaging, searching and for translation. This version is not compatible with eye gaze...

Fast Talker + מתחברים לעולם פרו - מיקוד מבט
תמיכה דיבור

ביישום זה ישנה דוגמה לאינטגרציה של "מתחברים לעולם" בלוח התקשורת. דוגמה זו מותאמת למשתמשי מיקוד מבט. Fast Talker הוא מערכת שלמה למשתמשים יודעי קרוא וכתוב, עם יישומים לתקשורת יעילה ומהירה, בנק מסרים, מיסרונים, דואר אלקטרוני, דפדפן ועוד. בנוסף...

Fast Talker 2
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access...

Fast Talker 2 - Turkiska
Jesper Picomed

Fast Talker, The Grid 2 ile kullanılmak için geliştirilmiş bir metinsel iletişim sistemidir. Bu güncel sürüm eye gaze ve fare kullanıcıları için tasarlanmıştır ama diğer bütün erişim yöntemleriyle de çalışabilir. Fast Talker 2, iletişimin yanı...

Fast Talker 2 Castellano

Fast Talker es un sistema de comunicación por texto para usar con The Grid 2. Esta versión se ha diseñado para usuarios de control con la mirada y ratón con la cabeza, pero puede utilizarse con todos los métodos de acceso. Además de comunicación,...

Fast Talker 2 Català

Fast Talker es un sistema de comunicació per text per a fer servir amb The Grid 2. Aquesta versió s'ha disenyat per usuaris de control amb la mirada i ratolí de cap, però pot fer-se servir amb altres mètodes d'accès. A més a més de a la...

Fast Talker 2 dark
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Fast Talker 2 dark, is a darkened down version of Fast Talker for a more restful experience with eye gaze. Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse...

Fast Talker 2 dark with 2 hit
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. The two hit pages have been designed for days when the eyes are more tired. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all...