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Fast Talker 2 Auditory with Windows 8
Smartbox Tizzy

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This version has been designed for switch users with Auditory Feedback.

Fast Talker 2 Castellano

Fast Talker es un sistema de comunicación por texto para usar con The Grid 2. Esta versión se ha diseñado para usuarios de control con la mirada y ratón con la cabeza, pero puede utilizarse con todos los métodos de acceso. Además de comunicación,...

Fast Talker 2 Català

Fast Talker es un sistema de comunicació per text per a fer servir amb The Grid 2. Aquesta versió s'ha disenyat per usuaris de control amb la mirada i ratolí de cap, però pot fer-se servir amb altres mètodes d'accès. A més a més de a la...

Fast Talker 2 dark
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Fast Talker 2 dark, is a darkened down version of Fast Talker for a more restful experience with eye gaze. Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse...

Fast Talker 2 dark with 2 hit
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. The two hit pages have been designed for days when the eyes are more tired. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all...

Fast Talker 2 DE EV 131126
Vitali Exter

Fast Talker 2 ist ein Text-Kommunikationssystem zur Verwendung mit The Grid 2. Zusätzlich zur Kommunikation ermöglicht Ihnen Fast Talker 2 den einfachen Zugriff auf das Internet, Facebook, Skype, YouTube und vieles mehr. Diese erweiterte Version...

Fast Talker 2 DE EV 140302
Vitali Exter

Fast Talker 2 ist ein Text-Kommunikationssystem zur Verwendung mit The Grid 2. Diese aktualisierte Version wurde speziell für Augensteuerungs- und Kopfsteuerungs- Anwender entworfen. Zusätzlich zur Kommunikation ermöglicht Ihnen Fast Talker 2 den...

Fast Talker 2 français
Raphael Terrier

Fast Talker est un systeme de communication textuelle. Il peut etre utilisé par controle oculaire, souris/joystick, et tout autre moyen d'accès. Au dela de la communication face à face, Fast Talker rend plus simple l'accès à Internet, Facebook,...

Fast Talker 2 instant messages

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. As well as communication, Fast Talker gives you easy access to...

Fast Talker 2 IT

Fast Talker Fast Talker è un sistema di comunicatore di testo da usare con The grid 2 . Questa versione è stata creata per utenti che utilizzano controllo oculare e utenti che controllano il mouse con la testa, ma è compatibile con tutti i metodi di...

Fast Talker 2 SE

Fast Talker är en textbaserad kommunikationslösning. Den här uppdaterade versionen är designad för ögonstyrning och huvudmus, men fungerar även med alla andra manövermetoder och styrsätt. Förutom kommunikation finns tillgång till Internet,...

Fast Talker 2 Servus
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has had our easy to use Servus grids added into it for added support with Environmental controls.

Fast Talker 2 TR

Fast Talker, The Grid 2 ile kullanılmak için geliştirilmiş bir metinsel iletişim sistemidir. Bu güncel sürüm eye gaze ve fare kullanıcıları için tasarlanmıştır ama diğer bütün erişim yöntemleriyle de çalışabilir. Fast Talker 2, iletişimin yanı...

Fast Talker 2 two hit high contrast
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This is a high contrast version of Jess Wright's two hit Fast Talker 2. The QWERTY keyboard is split in two halves for bigger targets and the styles are set to high contrast for easy use. Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with...

Fast Talker 2 with a two hit keyboard
Jess Wright - Smartbox

Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated version has been designed for eye gaze and head mouse users but it does work with all access methods. This verison is a two hit keyboard the QWERTY keyboard has been...

Fast Talker 2 with Copy function
Will Wade

(This is a very simple fork of the regular Fast Talker 2 to be used with CrossClip copy buffer - would allow a individual to share the clipboard between machines..) Fast Talker is a text communication system for use with The Grid 2. This updated...

Fast Talker 2 with message banking
Jess Wright - Smartbox

Fast Talker with Message bank a example of using recorded messages and sound. Legacy Messages - Messages that often delivered with unique intonation and prosody that are unique or particular to you. It may be a ‘trademark’ message you say or it...

Fast Talker 3

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker 3 includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control and full access to windows...

Fast Talker 3

Una solución completa para usuarios con lectoescriptura. Fast Talker 3 incluye apps para comunicación rápida por texto, mensajes instantáneos, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter y mucho más. También proporciona recursos para el Control de entorno...

Fast Talker 3

Kompletní svazek mřížek pro uživatele, kteří jsou schopni číst a psát. Fast Talker 3 obsahuje aplikace pro rychlou textovou komunikaci, rychlé zprávy, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter a mnoho dalšího. Umožňuje také ovládání okolního prostředí a plný...

Fast Talker 3

Uma solução completa para utilizadores avançados do GRID 3. O Fast Talker 3 inclui a possibilidade de comunicação por texto, mensagens rápidas, SMS, email, Facebook, e muito mais. Pode também aceder a todas as ferramentas para acesso ao seu ambiente...

Fast Talker 3
Heather 2019_05_23 2019_05_23

Contains an updated page for posting Facebook status, following a change to the Facebook website

Fast Talker 3

Contains an updated page for posting Facebook status, following a change to the Facebook website

Fast Talker 3

Fast talker with multiple changes made to improve communication in messages

Fast Talker 3
Caroline Vanbesien

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker 3 includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control and full access to windows...

Fast Talker 3
Orientación JM

Una solución completa para usuarios con lectoescriptura. Fast Talker 3 incluye apps para comunicación rápida por texto, mensajes instantáneos, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter y mucho más. También proporciona recursos para el Control de entorno...

Fast Talker 3
Ann T

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker 3 includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control and full access to windows...

Fast Talker 3

Una solución completa para usuarios con lectoescriptura. Fast Talker 3 incluye apps para comunicación rápida por texto, mensajes instantáneos, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter y mucho más. También proporciona recursos para el Control de entorno...

Fast Talker 3
Anna L

A complete solution for literate users. Fast Talker 3 includes apps for fast text communication, instant messages, message banking, SMS, email, Facebook, Twitter and much more. It also provides resources for Servus Environment Control and full...

Fast Talker 3 - 2 step Eye

This gridset is based on Smartbox template Fast Talker 3. This template has been modified so all grid pages have 5 columns & 4 rows - providing larger cells for access while still offering full functionality. Fast Talker 3 has been fully redesigned...