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Text Talker
Matteo Fossati

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

Text Talker

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

Text Talker

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

Text Talker
Margie Woodward

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Text Talker was developed for use with Grid Player and includes a copy to clipboard function for simple integration...

Text Talker

En textbaserad kommunikations lösning för läs-och-skrivkunniga personer. Text Talker innehåller ordprediktion och ett stort antal färdiga fraser i olika kategorier. Text Talker utvecklades för Grid Player och innehåller funktionen kopiera till...

Text Talker

A text based communication system for literate users. Text Talker includes prediction and a ready made bank of instant messages. Edited version to allow for easily saving phrases in Grid 3.

Text Talker
Smartbox Czech

Sada mřížek pro komunikaci pomocí textu, přizpůsobená pro uživatele dotykové obrazovky a pro rychlé a efektivní vytváření zpráv, vzkazů. Obsahuje také slovní predikci, historii rozhovoru, předem připravené fráze a možnost vytváření databáze zpráv....

Text Talker
Smartbox (AUS)

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker
Smartbox (CA)

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker
Smartbox Spanish

A text communication grid set optimised for touch screen users, for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a...

Text Talker
Smartbox Slovak

A text communication grid set optimised for touch screen users, for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a...

Text Talker

En textbaserad kommunikations lösning för läs-och-skrivkunniga personer. Text Talker innehåller ordprediktion och ett stort antal färdiga fraser i olika kategorier. Text Talker utvecklades för Grid Player och innehåller funktionen kopiera till...

Text Talker

Ein für Touchscreen-Benutzer optimiertes Rasterset für Textkommunikation, für eine schnelle und effiziente Nachrichtengenerierung. Wortvorhersage, Gesprächsverlauf, gespeicherte Nachrichten und Sprachaufnahmen. Eine Speicherfunktion ermöglicht es...

Text Talker

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker

A text communication grid set optimised for touch screen users, for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a...

Text Talker

Un système de communication basé sur le texte pour les utilisateurs alphabétisés. Texte Talker comprend la prédiction et une banque de messages instantanés prêt. Text Talker a été développé pour être utilisé avec Grid Player et inclut une copie...

Text Talker
Siri Liljebrand

En textbaserad kommunikationsanpassning optimerad för pek. Möjlighet att snabbt spara och använda egna fraser, ord prediktion, historik på tidigare skrivna meddelanden och röstbank med egna inspelade ljud. v2.0

Text Talker

En textbaserad kommunikations lösning för läs-och-skrivkunniga personer. Text Talker innehåller ordprediktion och ett stort antal färdiga fraser i olika kategorier. Text Talker utvecklades för Grid Player och innehåller funktionen kopiera till...

Text Talker
Smartbox Catalan

Quadrícula de comunicació per mitjà de text òptim per usuaris de pantalles tàctils, per generar missatges de manera ràpida i eficient. Té incorporat predicció de paraules, historial de xat, de frases preseleccionades i banc de missatges. La funció...

Text Talker
Robin Jokinen

En textbaserad kommunikationsanpassning optimerad för pek. Möjlighet att snabbt spara och använda egna fraser, ord prediktion, historik på tidigare skrivna meddelanden och röstbank med egna inspelade ljud. v2.0

Text Talker
Val EduTech Asia

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker
Adelina B

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker
Smartbox Basque

Testu-komunikazio bidezko grid set eguneratua pantaila ukitu dezaketen erabiltzaileentzat. Mezuak azkar eta era eraginkorrean sor ditzaten. Hitz aurreikuspena, txateko historia, aurretik gordetako esaldian eta mezu bankua dakartza. Memoria...

Text Talker

A text communication grid set optimised for touch screen users, for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a...

Text Talker
Smartbox Danish

Et tekstkommunikations-grid layout til hurtig og effektiv beskedgenerering. Inkluderer ordforudsigelse, chathistorik, forud gemte sætninger og beskedbank. En hukommelsesfunktion giver dig mulighed for at gemme en sætning med et enkelt valg og huske...

Text Talker

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker
Smartbox Swedish

En textbaserad kommunikationsanpassning optimerad för pek. Möjlighet att snabbt spara och använda egna fraser, ord prediktion, historik på tidigare skrivna meddelanden och röstbank med egna inspelade ljud. v2.21

Text Talker
Freedom ATS

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker
Sian 2024_03_08

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...

Text Talker

A text communication grid set for fast and efficient message generation. Incorporating word prediction, chat history, pre-stored phrases and message banking. A memory function allows you to store a phrase with a single selection, and recall it later...