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Pancake day Learning Grid and activites
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

Use the modified Super core learning grids to talk about your pancakes; how you make them and even more importantly, eat them! Follow recipes for some popular pancake recipes and decorate a virtual pancake with your favourite toppings.

Pancakes with activities!
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A gridset for pancake day with vocabulary about your pancake preferences, and asking for support in making your perfect pancakes. This gridset includes 4 pancake recipes and an activity to top your own pancake.

Margarida Pedrosa

PARA...PRECISO Autor: Prof. Rui Alves Luís AEGX - CAA Eb 2/3 Serra da Gardunha - Fundão PORTUGAL

ParlaConMe - Helpicare

ParlaConMe-livello D è un sistema personalizzabile di comunicazione simbolica progettato per la lingua italiana. Le caratteristiche fondamentali di questo strumento sono la correttezza grammaticale e morfologica, la completezza dei contentuti, la...

parler début
Ergo plaine de mons

Commencer à parler est un vocabulaire de communication pour les utilisateurs de pictogrammes. Ces grilles fournissent un point de départ structuré pour déveloper un système de communication plus étendu et personnalisé.

PDOC Assessment

Designed and created by Dante Rossi, Compass Rehab & Assistive Technology Service. This gridset was created to support therapists working with clients presenting as Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness (PDOC) at the Royal Hospital for...

Pedro Pereira

JC Portugues brasil


2 Choice activities to practice switch scanning with preferred video and non-preferred items.

Pointing Assessment
Emma H - Smartbox

A set of grids designed to assist with eye gaze, pointer and even touch assessments. Activities include selecting static or dynamic targets around the screen in different sizes. Idea taken from Gemma Hughes' Grid 2 grid set.

Praat met Simbole C - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

Praat met Simbole C help met die transisie van 'n onderwerp gebaseerde woordeskat na die gebruik van meer taal vaardighede. Die woorde wat ons die meeste gebruik word kernwoordeskat genoem. In Praat met Simbole C kan jy kernwoordeskat gebruik op...

Pričanje simbolima C
Smartbox Croatian

Symbol Talker C korisnicima koji se snalaze u tematski organiziranom vokabularu te mogu kombinirati dvije ili više stavki omogućuje pristup sržnom rječniku relevantnom za neku temu. Pametne gramatičke funkcije pomažu im da razviju sposobnost...

prosty wybór

Plansza treningowa wybór

Quadro de Comunicação

Vocabulário básico de comunicação por temas

Quinta dos açores
Tania Mendonca

saida - escolha de refeição

Reksio - zabawny pies - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Smartbox Polish

See how Dilbert responds when you give him sausages, a ball, a bone… or a spider! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills....

Reksio - zabawny pies - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe

See how Dilbert responds when you give him sausages, a ball, a bone… or a spider! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills....