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Marta Soares

Teclado para comunicar durante os jogos do Mundial de Futebol 2022

Music Grid
Mikelia Wallace

Grid used for music therapy

Music Grids (2)

Music Grids


Per a aprendre els instruments , tipus de música, practicar elecccions i anticipar activitats relacionades amb la música. Molta música! gràcies a Mar Buades ( CC Mater Misericordiae) per deixar-nos la plantilla, gràcies Rayco Quesada ( Fundación...

Música - Sequência

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Musica Santi

Mi música

Musical instruments (1)

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to play sample sounds of instruments from the major instrument groups (wood wind, brass, strings, percussion), as well as have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums.

Musical instruments for Claire

Make some music using the Grid 3. This grid set allows you to play sample sounds of instruments from the major instrument groups (wood wind, brass, strings, percussion), as well as have a go at playing the piano, xylophone and the drums. The Home...

Musical instruments GLP

Music Gestalt Language Processor

Musical instruments GLP
Katy Louise Hanna

Music Gestalt Language Processor

Ana Rosário

Este teclado foi criado para as crianças que gostam de música e que também podem aprender com ela. É possível ouvir a música, fazer pausa em qualquer momento e retomar do mesmo sítio onde se parou. É possível também legendar com imagens a música...

Musik instrumenter
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Spil noget musik med Grid 3. Dette Grid Layout lader dig spille på forskellige instrumenter, lige fra klaver, trompet, gospelsang, DJ, guitar, tromme og meget mere.

Muzički instrumenti
Превод на српски

Upoznavanje instrumenata i njihovih zvukova. Sviranje u Gridu 3 :-)

My Communication Dictionary

A Communication Dictionary is way to help all communication partners understand unconventional and individualized forms of communication, so the communication partner can interpret them correctly and respond to the communicator's intent.

My Diary
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A secret diary Gridset for 2018/2019/2020, to allow you to write about your day. Choose the month - select 'Add entry' and write your diary entry. Select 'add to diary' and choose the day you wish to add the entry too. Click the entry in the...

My Diary 2021-2023

A secret diary Gridset for 2021/2022/2023, to allow you to write about your day. Choose the month - select 'Add entry' and write your diary entry. Select 'add to diary' and choose the day you wish to add the entry too. Click the entry in the...

My News
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A resource to help you share your news. Rather than just the one button this encourages people to share more about their news, such as where it happened and who was there, allowing you to have more of a conversation. This grid set can be added...

My wants and needs
Casey Boleat

GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My wants and needs
Jersey SALT

OB GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My wants and needs OB
Jersey SALT

OB GLP stage 1, wants and needs

My World NO

My World er et oppsett som er laget for GridPad Pro, og lar brukeren ta kontroll over IR styrte leker. Lekene kan styres ved hjelp av touch, bryter, eller øyestyring. My World gir en spennende ny interaktiv læring. Til hver lek er det lagt til...

My World V2
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

My World allows the user to take control of sensory equipment and toys. For a list of the toys that we use please email The package includes lights, a bubble machine, a robot and much more! Each accessory can be...

Mymou test

Petit essai d’un cahier CAA