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Helena Delgado (Liliete Santos)

Conjunto de teclados que apresentam atividades para explorar o tema das plantas. Inicia-se com a história "Era uma vez uma semente", adaptada da tradução brasileira de Vera Caputo, disponível em; os...

Platinum Jubilee
Emma H - Smartbox

A short book grid set all about the 2022 Platinum Jubilee. Get in the spirit of things and listen to it in the Queens Voice! Made by Son in our Support Team

Playdough GLP
Casey Boleat

Play dough Gestalt Language Processor

Plim plim (2)

Aprendizaje mediante pictogramas de los animales de la granja. Asociación del sonido de los animales con su pictograma correspondiente.

Bego Llorens Macian

Cuadrícula sencilla para practicar la concordancia de número: artículo + sustantivo + sufijo "s". Para ver cómo se configura el plural, sugerimos ver este vídeo: Incluye...


Compresión visual...Pocoyó

PODD 15 Førskole
Smartbox Danish

Designet til børn, der påbegynder deres kommunikationsrejse, med førskolespecifikt ordforråd til børnehave og emner. Ordforråd og organisering minder mest om PODD 12 per side med udvidede funktioner. PODD for Grid er udarbejdet i samarbejde med...

PODD 15 Førskole - øjenstyring
Smartbox Danish

Designet til børn, der påbegynder deres kommunikationsrejse, med førskolespecifikt ordforråd til børnehave og emner. Ordforråd og organisering minder mest om PODD 12 per side med udvidede funktioner. PODD for Grid er udarbejdet i samarbejde med...

PODD 15 Preschool

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, including vocabulary suitable for pre-school aged children. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page expanded functions PODD books. PODD for Grid...

PODD 15 Preschool
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, including vocabulary suitable for pre-school aged children. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page expanded functions PODD books. PODD for Grid...

PODD 15 Preschool - Eye Gaze

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, including vocabulary suitable for pre-school aged children. This grid set is designed for eye gaze access. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page...

PODD 15 Preschool - Eye Gaze
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, including vocabulary suitable for pre-school aged children. This grid set is designed for eye gaze access. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page...

PODD 15 Preschool - The Grid 2
PODD by Gayle Porter

The PODD 15 grid set for The Grid 2 complements the PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books. It is similar in language level and organisation to the one-page opening, expanded functions books. The PODD15 is designed to...

PODD 15 Preschool Eye gaze - The Grid 2
PODD by Gayle Porter

The PODD 15 grid set for The Grid 2 complements the PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books. It is similar in language level and organisation to the one-page opening, expanded functions books. The PODD15 is designed to...

PODD 15 Preview

This is a preview version of the PODD 15 grid set to allow you to view and try the grid lay out on your device. It is not a tool to evaluate the PODD language organisation. This preview version does not include the full vocabulary and the greyed out...

PODD 15 Prøveversion
Smartbox Danish

Dette er en prøveversion af elektronisk PODD 15, så du kan se og prøve grid layoutet på din enhed. Denne prøveversion er ikke et værktøj til at evaluere elektronisk PODD. Det inkluderer ikke det fulde ordforråd, og de gråtonede celler taler ikke...

PODD 15 School

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page expanded functions PODD books. PODD...

PODD 15 School
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page expanded functions PODD books. PODD...

PODD 15 School
Lauren Denny

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page expanded functions PODD books. PODD for...

PODD 15 School - Eye Gaze

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. This grid set is designed for eye gaze access. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12...

PODD 15 School - Eye Gaze
Smartbox (AUS)

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. This grid set is designed for eye gaze access. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12...

PODD 15 School - Eye Gaze message fixed

Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. This grid set is designed for eye gaze access. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12...

PODD 15 School - The Grid 2
PODD by Gayle Porter

The PODD 15 grid set for The Grid 2 complements the PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books. It is similar in language level and organisation to the one-page opening, expanded functions books. The PODD15 is designed to...

PODD 15 School Eye gaze - The Grid 2
PODD by Gayle Porter

The PODD 15 grid set for The Grid 2 complements the PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) communication books. It is similar in language level and organisation to the one-page opening, expanded functions books. The PODD15 is designed to...

PODD 15 School scanning

Column-Row Auditory Scanning Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page...

PODD 15 Skole
Smartbox Danish

Designet til børn, der påbegynder deres kommunikationsrejse, med skolespecifikt ordforråd til skolefag og emner. Ordforråd og organisering minder mest om PODD 12 per side med udvidede funktioner. PODD for Grid er udarbejdet i samarbejde med Gayle...

PODD 15 Skole - øjenstyring
Smartbox Danish

Designet til børn, der påbegynder deres kommunikationsrejse, med skolespecifikt ordforråd til skolefag og emner. Ordforråd og organisering minder mest om PODD 12 per side med udvidede funktioner. PODD for Grid er udarbejdet i samarbejde med Gayle...