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Super Core 50 PCS Low Tech
Smartbox (US)

A printable two-sided communication board designed to be used alongside the Super Core 50 vocabulary. Consisting of two grids, the first includes all of the words from the Super Core home grid, plus additional core words, to give access to the...

Super Core 50 PCS Low Tech Print Friendly

To make the paper based version more print friendly the background colours have been removed but the outline of the buttons are coloured coded. This resources was edited by the team at CENMAC For questions or feedback please contact us at...

Super Core 50 PreK Set Up
Dev Delay Pre-K T Marshall

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Super Core 50 Qwerty keyboard prediction no sound
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A copy of the Super Core 50 QWERTY prediction keyboard but without phonic sounds.

Super Core 50 Symbol Stix
Smartbox Danish

Super Core er et letanvendeligt kerneordforråd designet til at hjælpe tidlige ASK-brugere med at opnå succes med symbolkommunikation. Det kombinerer et konsekvent kerneordforråd med kontekstspecifikt sprog, der fokuserer på daglige rutiner og...

Super Core 50 Test

Super Core är ett lättanvänt kärnvokabulär som utformats för att hjälpa tidiga AKK-användare att lyckas med symbolkommunikation. Super Core kombinerar ett konsekvent kärninnehåll med ord som kan användas i sitt rätta sammanhang, där fokus ligger på...

Super Core 50 Widgit

Super Core er et brukervennlig kommunikasjonsoppsett som er utviklet for å bidra til at ASK-brukere lykkes med sin symbolkommunikasjon. Det kombinerer kjerneordforråd med kontekstspesifikt språk, med fokus på daglige rutiner og lekeaktiviteter....

Super Core 50 Widgit
Smartbox (AUS)

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Super Core 50 Widgit
Smartbox French

Super Core est un vocabulaire de base facile à utiliser, créé pour la réussite des utilisateurs débutants en CAA symbolique. Il combine un vocabulaire de base cohérent avec un vocabulaire spécifique contextuel, en se focalisant sur les routines...

Super Core 50 Widgit 2 pages imprimables
Smartbox French

Un tableau de communication imprimable recto-verso conçu pour être utilisé avec le vocabulaire Super Core 50. Composé de deux grilles, la première comprend tout le vocabulaire de base de la page d'accueil de Super Core, avec du vocabulaire...

Super Core 50. Aisling

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Super Core 50_HHS_09_2024
Helene Haeusler 2024_09_24

SUPER CORE 50 Super Core ist ein einfaches Kernvokabular, das frühen UK Nutzern bei symbolgestützter Kommunikation zu Erfolgserlebnissen verhelfen soll. Es kombiniert einheitliches Kernvokabular mit kontextabhängiger Sprache, die sich auf den...

Super Core 50-2

Super Core est un vocabulaire de base facile à utiliser, créé pour la réussite des utilisateurs débutants en CAA symbolique. Il combine un vocabulaire de base cohérent avec un vocabulaire spécifique contextuel, en se focalisant sur les routines...

Super Core 50JR2023

Personalised for JR 2023

Super Core -alexander

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Super Core Andrea copy

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core ASA 130521
Lucy New 2021

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Super Core Ben
Ben Edwards

A personalised pageset

Super Core GLP with Visual Scene Display alispeech

This version of Supercore has been edited so that there is a visual scene display section, called 'my photos' from the home page. The visual scenes allow us to programme stage 1 phrases and possible stage 2 mitigations onto the same page. Please...

Super Core Inlärningsmaterial
Smartbox Swedish

Super Core Inlärningsmaterial innebär en varsam introduktion till hela Super Core’s ordförråd och en möjlighet att bygga upp självförtroendet med symbolkommunikation. Super Core Inlärningsmaterial inkluderar alla dagliga rutiner, lek och aktiviteter...

Super Core Læring
Smartbox Danish

Super Core Learning-grid layoutet giver en blid overgang til det fulde Super Core-symbol ordforråd og en mulighed for at opbygge selvtillid med symbol ASK. De inkluderer alle de daglige ordforråd og legeaktiviteter fra Super Core sammen med et...

Super Core Læring med tilføjelser

Super Core Læring-grid layoutet som du kender det, blot med en række tilføjelser i sider med 20 felter, så som: - Samtaleemner (chat, beskeder og følelser) - Grid Explorer knap - Tekstfelt - Send nemt tekst som SMS Samt andre...

Super Core Læring Symbol Stix
Smartbox Danish

Super Core Learning-grid layoutet giver en blid overgang til det fulde Super Core-symbol ordforråd og en mulighed for at opbygge selvtillid med symbol ASK. De inkluderer alle de daglige ordforråd og legeaktiviteter fra Super Core sammen med et...

Super Core Learning
Smartbox (AUS)

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core Learning
Smartbox (CA)

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core Learning
Smartbox (NZ)

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core Learning
Smartbox (SA)

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core Learning
Smartbox (US)

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core Learning
Patient Default

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...

Super Core Learning

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...