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Tata pijetao

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Tayvin's Superpages

Phrase-based vocabulary set designed to increase social interaction and communicative motivation for a young male.

TCC My Communication Dictionary template

A Communication Dictionary is way to help all communication partners understand unconventional and individualized forms of communication, so the communication partner can interpret them correctly and respond to the communicator's intent.

TD snap-like 5x5

TD Snap like colors/arrangement

Teagan NEW - 1
Veronica Smith

Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Team Cheers

This grid set allows users to cheer on their team during sports events. There are 8 cheers to choose from, each using recorded speech. The cheers can be changed and customised to suit the user's preferences.

Teclado Carol
Caroline Souza

Teclado com símbolos Brasil

Teclado com símbolos LGP

Teclado com símbolos LGP


Katseohjauksen ja kuvakommunikoinnin aloittelijoille "Kapteeni käskee"-tyylillä. Vaihda kuvia tarpeen mukaan. Kuvat toimivat katseohjauksella ja ylärivin painikkeet kosketuksella.

Tegn og print halloween græskar

Nu er det snart Halloween og i dette sidesæt kan du skære/tegne dit eget græskar og printe det ud. Sidesættet kan bruges til alle betjeningsformer.

tegne og male

Det her sidesæt er til dig der er vild med at tegne og male. Det rummer et stort ordforåd der måske gør det nemmere for dig at sige hvad du har brug for når du skal tegne eller male, og hvordan det skal gøres. Du kan selvfølgelig tilpasse det, så...


Tekstipohjainen kommunikaatiosovellus. Sisältää sanaennustustoiminnan ja valmiita lausekirjastoja käytettäväksi esim. pikaviesteinä Tekstikirjoitus on kehitetty käytettäväksi Grid Player:ssä ja siinä on toiminto kirjoitetun tekstin kopioimiseen...

Template - eyegaze - message symbols
תמיכה דיבור

This grid set enables integration between the users' Grid symbol communication display and Join-In Pro apps. It is compatible with eyegaze access and is designed for those who wish to share symbol messages. There is an additional template...

Template - not eyegaze - message symbols
תמיכה דיבור

This grid set enables integration between the users' symbol based Grid communication display and Join-In Pro apps. It is compatible with all access modes except for eyegaze and is designed for those who wish to share symbol messages. There is...

TEST - Tangentbord - Fonem
Jesper Picomed

Endast som test för bokstavsljud/fonem

Test 1

Betsy test

Test CVI Košice
Štefan Vida

Test CVI Košice

Kaitlin Hammond

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Testes COVID

Um teclado pronto para imprimir e facilitar o contexto atual da COVID.

Text phrases + keyboard

A grid set used for adults who need a bank of easy to navigate messages and access to a keyboard. Set up text only but have used with symbol and photo support.

Text Talker med symboler

En textbaserad kommunikations lösning för läs-och-skrivkunniga personer. Text Talker innehåller ordprediktion och ett stort antal färdiga fraser i olika kategorier. Text Talker utvecklades för Grid Player och innehåller funktionen kopiera till...

Text Talker NO

Et tekstbasert kommunikasjonsoppsett for. TekstPrat inkluderer prediksjon og ferdige setninger.

Text Talker teclas grandes
Teclado grande

A text communication grid set optimised for touch screen users, for fast and efficient message generation. It has bigger keys than the original Text Talker.

Thanksgiving Bingo
Amanda Training

This is a simple grid set for users to play along with a game of Bingo